It's the time before the morning break when the air feels the nicest.
Karma started going as soon as he got over his build-up of exhaustion rather than waiting for dawn.
Knowing that the cops would soon be on his trail, he didn't want to squander even a single second.
Although the sun wasn't yet in the sky, the reflection of the sun's rays on the sky illuminated the area below it, making it ideal for him to view.
To cover as much territory as possible, he maintained a pace that would not wear him out too quickly.
However, it was interesting to note that despite setting up camp in the center of the Woods, he had no encounters with any wildlife.
Even as he moved into the woodland, he failed to spot any clues that would have pointed to nearby life. only birds are circling.
He thought this was a little strange, so he created some hypotheses in his brain.