After discovering the hiding places of those men, he made the conscious decision to hold off on charging in for the time being.

It was written in his rulebook that it was foolish to invade an enemy's land without first doing a pre-scout.

So he decided to build a base for the time being. He began by looking for a place that was both convenient and remote from the enemy's position.

Karma discovered a little snowy hill with a few dead trees scattered over it, about a kilometer distant from where the enemy was hiding.

On one side of the slope, there was a little cliff with a large dead tree on its edge. The cliff was just approximately 4 to 5 meters above the ground; therefore, it wasn't that high.

However, the large tree had roots that extended below the cliff. And, if you peered closely, you might see a cave just below the cliff.

The roots of the tree entered the cave and spread across the cave's ceiling.