A sword pierced through the earth as Sparda thrust his right hand forward into the air.
The sword was pure black with a straight blade, the same as his shield, however, it had a little dark magenta tint.
The sword featured a broad 'U'-shaped hilt with two sharp, sturdy-appearing blades that were the same color as the blade and pointed upward.
The sword's overall design was simple, yet it conveyed the sense of being regal.
The knight faces the opponent with a sturdy stance while holding a magnificent shield in his left hand and a gorgeous sword in his right.
Even Hugo was astonished when he saw the knight's two swords.
[Hugo: "Those are some nice weapons you have there–"]
He was in the middle of admiring the weaponry when he noticed something that made him stop.
[Hugo: "Hmm? that shield, and that sword, they belong to a dead person, how do you have those?"]