He was catapulted into the air by a strike to the face, and after a few rolls, he fell to the ground.
However, Karma swiftly rose to his feet and turned his attention to the situation in front of him.
He was astonished to find the man he thought he had killed with his punches still standing when he finally did.
[Boss: "That hurt you, bastard!"]
The man in front of Karma was no longer a living being. He was brought back to the event in the hangar when he had seen Jen change into a demon, but this time the man in front of him is quite different.
The strikes Karma delivered to the man left him with a shattered skull and a dislocated jaw.
His fractured jaw was dripping with demon blood-tinged saliva, and his entire face was disgusting to look upon.
Additionally, a new bodily component that resembled a bullhorn appeared on the right side of his head, where one of his ears should have been.
[Karma: "Eww, that's disgusting."]