There's No Way to Say

Zhao Shuning turned around.

She didn't want to see the loneliness on Mo Bai's face.

This made her feel that her decision had hurt him.

However, if she didn't love him, then it meant that she didn't love him. If she forced herself to do so, she wouldn't end up well, and she couldn't let herself be wronged just to fulfill her so-called love.

"You always do this."

"I thought that after you came back this time, there would be something different."

"Ning, it was clearly you who pulled me out of the darkness. You let me see what light is like but pushed me into the darkness again."

Mo Bai said three sentences in a row.

"Love and loneliness.

Zhao Shuning only said, "You have said similar things more than once. Mo Bai, I have already told you. You and I are not the same. If you insist on taking the current path, the fate between the two of us will end here."