A Variable

Mo Bai continued, "I'll see you tonight. I'm relieved, too."

"Mo Bai."

"I can't do what you want me to do."

After saying that.

Mo Bai's figure.

She disappeared in front of Zhao Shuning's eyes.

Zhao Shuning just stayed where she was and did not leave immediately.

Mo Bai was stubborn.

Just like before.

He would never turn back once he had confirmed one thing.

"Have you ever thought that your feelings for me are just reliance, not the so-called love between a man and a woman?"

These words.

She had told Mo Bai about it.

Mo Bai wouldn't believe it either.

He would only think that...

This was just Zhao Shuning questioning his feelings for her.

"Forget it. I'll leave everything to fate. I still want to change this fate. Perhaps in the end, I won't even be able to change my own fate."

She smiled gently.

It disappeared as well.

Within the Great Land of Dongze.