This Father Has No Heart

Mu Xiyan still didn't know that because of her, today's Lady Yan had become the highest level of hell in the mortal world.

No one knew why the CEO had called them all over so early in the morning and criticized them one by one.

The problem was that the needle could see the blood, and every word was on the point.

The scene was' bloody and cruel ', and it almost made a female higher ups cry on the spot.

Ning Ze sighed with emotion. So this was how the legendary 'beauty disaster' came about.

When Mu Xiyan walked into the company, she yawned a few times.

This was because she had already missed the rush hour when she arrived. In addition to the "green passage" that Lin Qixian had arranged in advance, she directly took his personal CEO elevator to the top floor. Her exclusive office was just across from Lin Qixian.