The Little Thing about Men and Women

She still hadn't thought of how to greet her new colleague. It would be awkward if she went out at this time.

It was better to wait for them to leave before leaving.

The sharp sound of high heels quickly reached her ears as she listened to the footsteps of about three people.

However, they didn't go to the toilet. They probably fished out some water while they were at work to make up for it.

At this moment, one of the women spoke, her voice filled with excitement and gossip.

"Hey, have you heard about the new mysterious designer in the company? Elder sister Amy accidentally leaked it to me. This designer's identity is simply explosive news, do you want to guess who she is? "

The other person sneered, but didn't reveal an expression of surprise as she had expected.

"Isn't it just that 18th-string little star Mu Xiyan? This matter has already been spread. It's no longer a secret. "