This Company Is Surnamed Lin

"I remember that this company is surnamed Lin, right?"

Mu Xiyan took a step forward without any intention of backing down, as her aura had weakened due to one versus three attacks. On the contrary, the other three women, led by He Rui, subconsciously took a step back.

"What do you mean, what do you want to say?"

"Other than Lin Qixian, no one else has the right to point fingers at me, much less decide whether I stay or not, including you. Or do you think you're more important than the president, and that your authority can take precedence over the president? "

This time, He Rui had kicked an iron board. She didn't expect this Mu Xiyan to be so hard to deal with. Every word she said caused her to be unable to refute her words.

If what she said was true, then if what she said was heard by Lin Qixian, would he still be able to stay here?

But if she said no, then she would have slapped her own face!