You Demoted Me?

Yang Hua is holding a departmental meeting to deploy the next step of his work plan.

Wu Mengjie had also been transferred to his department, where she had become a clerk and was sitting down to take notes.

Just as Yang Hua was talking passionately, the door opened and Zhou Jiaming walked in.

Yang Hua's eyes lit up when he saw the boss.

The fact that the boss could come to the meeting room meant that the boss valued his department a lot!


He called out respectfully.

The other employees also stood up and called him 'Boss'.

Only then did Yang Hua notice that the boss's face was red and swollen.

But he didn't dare ask.

Zhou Jiaming glanced around the crowd and slowly said, "Let me announce something. From now on, the manager of the business plan department, Yang Hua, will be promoted to a normal employee!"


Yang Hua felt like he was struck by lightning!

"Boss, what do you mean by this?"

"What? Don't you understand me?" Zhou Jiaming snorted.

"No, boss, I did well. Why did you suddenly drop me?"

Yang Hua was shocked.

The employees present also stared at each other.

They knew that Yang Hua was an old employee of the company and had a good relationship with the boss.

"Do you need a reason?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Lu Chen slowly walk in.

"Lu Chen, you, didn't you get fired?" Wu Shuang called out with a strong inner strength and a weak inner strength.

"Shut up!" Zhou Jiaming shouted, "Now, Young Master Lu is a director of our company. Please be more respectful towards Shen Dongfang!"

"What, he's a director?"

Yang Hua turned pale with fright. He staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Isn't this change too fast?

Just a moment ago, he was just a small employee and the boss had already agreed to fire him. But now, he had actually become a director of the company while he himself had been demoted!

What happened in between?

Everyone present was stunned. Wu Mengjie looked at Lu Chen in disbelief.

"Right, Young Master Lu is the second largest director of our company, so he suggested lowering your position." Wu Tie said casually.

In fact, Lu Chen did not even buy shares, he just promised to make Zhou Jiaming a gold member of Grand Merchant Union!

Gold membership, that was a higher level existence than silver membership!

To Zhou Jiaming, the value of the shares far exceeded that of the shares. That in itself represented business opportunities and resources!

He seemed to have already seen the faces of the several Silver members that were defeated in front of him. He was even more shocked by Lu Chen's power!

Just by this point, he understood that no one in Jiang City could offend Lu Chen.

"Boss, he's clearly a pretty boy and a duck. How did he become a director? How could he surrender to me?"

Yang Hua howled in dissatisfaction.

He had been in the company for many years, starting from the bottom before he slowly climbed up to the position of department head. How could he be willing to be beaten back to his original form?

"Yang Hua, if you don't want to be a staff member, then just roll and roll and roll!" Lu Chen said lightly.

Seeing Yang Hua's dazed look, Wu Mengjie couldn't help but muster up her courage and say, "Boss, is there some kind of misunderstanding? I know Lu Chen, were you fooled by him? "

"Do you know me?" Lu Chen sneered, "I didn't even know myself before, isn't it disappointing now? You've only hugged your thighs for a day and they're already gone? "

Wu Mengjie's face turned pale. She gritted her teeth and said, "Lu Chen, I don't know what you said in front of the boss. I don't know who you are. Don't think that I will regret it, I won't return to your side! "

Actually, she knew that it was impossible for her to return to Lu Chen's side. Her actions had completely hurt him.

"Hur hur, you're really tenacious!" Lu Chen smiled, "What a pity. If you had broken up with me two days later, you would have known who I am!"

However, Yang Hua kneeled down with a 'thump', "Boss, Young Master Lu, give me a chance, don't lower my position!"

Although he didn't understand how Lu Chen could turn the situation around, he had to keep his position.

Now that the competition in the industry was so intense, even if he jumped in, he might not be able to get such a good position.

However, Wu Mengjie said angrily, "Yang Hua, if you have the courage, then stop wagging your tail and begging for mercy. Let's go!"

"What the f * * k!" Yang Hua shouted, "You are the one who harmed me! "If you didn't incite me to fire Young Master Lu, how could I have ended up like this!"

Wu Mengjie's expression changed. "Wretched trash!" "Lu Chen, if you have the guts, then let's wait and see!"

With that, Wu Mengjie ran out of the meeting room.

"Boss, Young Master Lu, give me a chance, I'm a lecherous person!" Seeing that I've worked hard for the company for so many years, please give me a chance! " Yang Hua pleaded.

Now everyone understood that Lu Chen was not what they had imagined, there was someone behind him!

Zhou Jiaming looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen cracked his knuckles.

"It's settled then. We'll see how you behave in the future!" Zhou Jiaming immediately said, "Oh yeah, who is Xu Chao?"

"Boss, it's me!" Xu Chao raised his hand timidly.

"From now on, I'm going to be a security guard!"


Lu Chen walked out of the meeting room, followed by Zhou Jiaming.

"Young Master Lu, are you satisfied?"

Lu Chen took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Tang Zhi, let's make the arrangements. The Jiang City member's name is Zhou Jiaming, give him a gold member, he previously applied for a membership —"

F * * k, awesome!

In his mouth, he was like a cabbage that was freely given to others.


Tang Zhi?

Zhou Jiaming vaguely remembered someone mentioning that this Tang Zhi was the person in charge of the southern region of Grand Merchant Union!

He was the one who held the fate of all the merchants in the Southwest region!

Heavens, what exactly is Lu Chen's identity?

He actually gave orders to Tang Zhi?

Zhou Jiaming had already tried to overestimate Lu Chen, but now he felt that he had underestimated Lu Chen.

At this moment, he looked at Lu Chen's back; it was as grand as a mountain!