Take Your Company

After cleaning up Yang Hua and Xu Chao, Lu Chen came out of the company, hailed a taxi and got in.

"Handsome, where are you going?" the driver asked.

"Is there any building opening recently? I want to buy a house." Lu Chen said.

He knew that this group of drivers was well-informed in the city.

Now that he had the money, he would definitely change his house and let his family live a comfortable life.

"Handsome, which section of the house do you want?"

"The best would be the villa!" Lu Chen said lightly.

Startled, the driver turned to look at the young man.

This young man was in his twenties and was dressed like an ordinary person. Did he even want to buy a villa?

Although the Jiang City is only a third-tier city, the price of the villas are over ten million.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't seem like he was joking, the driver said, "Handsome, Shanshui International is selling the third villa, you can go and take a look."

"Shanshui International?" Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. "Alright, let's go there!"

He recalled that two years ago, when Shanshui International was repairing a room, he had just graduated from university and could not find a job for a while. He had even worked as a manager at that construction site for a period of time.

He had to be at the construction site at 6 o'clock every day to send out the materials. Only when the construction site was closed at night would he be able to get off work. Sometimes, when materials came late at night and a phone call came in, he would have to run over to pick up the goods.

Just like that, he worked himself to death for only three thousand yuan a month.

In less than half an hour, the car arrived at the entrance of Shanshui International District.

Back then, when Lu Chen left the construction site, the residential complex had not been fully formed.

One word: imposing!

Being the owner of this place was a symbol of status and identity.

Since the building was for sale, the residential quarters could be accessed at will.

Just as he entered the sector, a person wearing a security uniform walked over.

Lu Chen noticed that person's familiarity, before he could recall, that person spoke first, "Little Shen!"

This time, Lu Chen remembered that his name was Zeng Xiaohei. Back then, he was a security guard at this construction site. Unexpectedly, two years had passed and he was still here.

"Hur hur, Brother Xiaohei!"

In his impression, this old veteran was still very considerate towards him and would often help him carry the materials.

They shook hands.

"Brother Xiaohei, you're still working here as a security guard!"

"Hur hur, that's right. I'm now the captain of the security team." Xiaohei said with pride.

"Sure, but your salary has increased a lot, right?"

"Hehe, just so-so. Oh right, what are you doing here? "

Xiaohei looked at Lu Chen's clothes and subconsciously thought that he was living an ordinary life.

"I heard that three episodes are open here, so I'm here to buy a house." Lu Chen said lightly.

Zeng Xiaohei was stunned.

Buy a house here?

Are you kidding?

This place sells villas with the most expensive Jiang City!

Others might not know about your background, but how could I not know? Two years ago, you were working here.

However, from the way you're dressed …

"Hehe, Little Shen, long time no see. You've become more humorous." Xiaohei joked.

"I'm really here to buy a house."

"Hehe, Little Shen, stop joking around. It's not like you don't know what kind of rooms are being sold here! "

"Isn't he selling the villa?" Lu Chen pouted.

Zeng Xiaohei was speechless.

Could it be that this villa is a cabbage?

Zeng Xiaohei had been walking around the mansion every day, and even in his dreams, he wanted to become the owner of the mansion. However, with his salary, he wouldn't be able to earn that amount of money even if he worked for dozens of lifetimes!

Kid, you are putting on a show too much!

What's the situation in your family, I don't know.

"What? You don't believe me?" Lu Chen smiled, "Follow me to the sales department. I'll let you have a look!"

Zeng Xiaohei stared at Lu Chen doubtfully. Before he could open his mouth, the walkie-talkie in his hand rang.

"Captain Zeng, hurry and come to the Office of Property Management!"

"Alright, I'll be right there!"

After answering, Zeng Xiaohei said, "Go to the sales department first. After you're done, I'll come look for you."

With that, he turned and left in a hurry.

Lu Chen followed the road sign to the sales office.

There weren't many people in the sales department. After all, they were selling villas, and this wasn't an ordinary building.

A few sales ladies were introducing the guests, so no one greeted Lu Chen after he entered.

He didn't mind and picked up a flyer to read.

The third episode only had ten villas. The lowest one cost around forty million, while the highest one cost around fifty million.

The average rich person would have to stop at such a price.

After a few minutes, one of the guests left.

A sales lady came out, but she looked at Lu Chen and didn't greet him. Instead, she went behind the counter and started playing with her phone.

From her point of view, this young man dressed in ordinary clothes could not be here to buy a villa. He was definitely here to clean up the air conditioning!

The weather was hot now, and from time to time, people like him would appear.

Therefore, she couldn't be bothered with him.

Lu Chen sat patiently for a few more minutes. Seeing that the sales lady completely ignored his existence, he was a bit annoyed.

"No one?" he shouted.

This time, everyone in the room was alarmed and they all looked over.

Only then did the idle sales lady quickly walk over. With an impatient voice, she asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen stood up and asked bluntly, "What do you want?"

"Sir, didn't I ask you?" The sales lady said with a sullen expression.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Lu Chen said, "This is a house seller, of course I'm here to buy a house!"

"Huh?" The real estate agent was obviously stunned for a moment.

The others all looked over, their gazes contained disdain, ridicule, and ridicule —

No one would think that Lu Chen bought a house.

A joke has a limit, okay?

This was Shanshui International's villa with a few Jiang City s!

"What are you looking at? Do you think I can't afford it?"

People in Libra are proud and sensitive at the same time.

Lu Chen shouted in annoyance when he was provoked by those gazes.

F * ck, before, I pretended that I wasn't a Heaven's Scale, but now I can still endure such anger?

"Haha, young man, you just need to rub off on the air conditioner and come here to act cool. Is this a place for you to act cool?"

A well-dressed man said with a sense of superiority.

"That's right, this is also a place where cats and dogs can come?"

Beside the man, a beauty who held his arm chimed in.

"Doggy eyes look down on people!" Lu Chen sneered.

The man's face darkened, "I'll have to trouble you to let him leave. He has seriously affected my mood. If he doesn't leave, there's no need to buy this house!"

"Exactly, how can such a high-end place be entered so casually?" If that's the case, then when we live here in the future, how can we feel safe? "

"Throw him away!"

The other customers also joined in.

The sales ladies immediately panicked. They couldn't afford to offend these rich gods.

The sales lady from before said to Lu Chen, "Sir, did you hear that? Please leave now!"

Lu Chen sat there without saying a word and snapped his fingers.

Seeing this, the sales lady picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Security Department, someone is causing trouble at the sales office, someone please come!"

"Roger that!"

Lu Chen still sat there calmly, looking at the crowd teasingly.