The Consequences of Using Force

The irascible Fu Yuchen had no idea how heavy his attack was. Right now, he just wanted to vent.

"Fu Yuchen, you're not human at all." Luo Shumo couldn't push them away no matter how hard she tried.

"Luo Shumo, let's see how long your mouth will last." Fu Yuchen looked at the girl underneath him with a cold smile.

He roughly tore apart Luo Shumo's clothes without any mercy, regardless of how painful she was.

Luo Shumo knew that her struggle was futile and no longer resisted. She looked coldly at Fu Yuchen like a puppet.

To this, Fu Yuchen merely snorted coldly. His eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty look, "Luo Shumo, you will beg me."

"I beg of you, my ass, Fu Yuchen, you will die a horrible death. You will have your retribution too, I curse you." Luo Shumo hated this man.

"Ah!" Luo Shumo cried out in pain, "Fu Yuchen, you bastard."