
If he had known this would happen, why would he have done it in the first place? Humans would always regret after doing something wrong, but what was the use?

Half an hour later, the doctor came out. The nurse was pushing Luo Shumo out of the hospital, and Fu Yuchen rushed out immediately.

"How is it?" Fu Yuchen looked at the doctor viciously.

This female doctor, after seeing Fu Yuchen's anger, her temper became even worse, "You must be his husband. Do you know how terrible her condition is?"

The nurse pushed Luo Shumo into the ward. Fu Yuchen glanced at her and saw that her face was still pale. She was still sleeping soundly, so her life shouldn't be a problem.

He didn't follow because of the doctor's words. He thought Luo Shumo almost went to see the King of Hell just now, so he honestly didn't talk back this time.

"How is she now, out of danger?" This was what Fu Yuchen was worried about.