Women's Mind

As time passed, Luo Yuxin was grounded and she could not take even half a step out of the villa. This matter started to be forgotten.

Everyone was back on track, working, working, as if everything was back in the past, without any changes.

On the other hand, Tong Tong had a huge change. If it was in the past, she wouldn't be like this. However, after that day, she couldn't control herself anymore.

She had a good impression of Gong Shaochen to begin with, but because her best friend was in the middle, she had always buried that good impression.

In her heart, she felt the existence of normal friends. However, after that day, Gong Shaochen's gentleness made her heart beat faster.

Gong Shaochen's figure was still lingering in her mind. When she closed her eyes, she would think of him, his gentleness and his smile.

"Is he crazy?" Tong Tong put down the picture in her hands, feeling that she had been possessed.