I Had a Dream

Today, Tong Tong was a little curious. Why was such a straightforward girl like her a little girl today?

What was going on with that bashful face, could it be that it was due to her asking a little too much just now?

Tong Tong had always been frank and straightforward, without the feelings of a young woman. So naturally, she was shy when people asked her about her relationship.

Thinking of this, Luo Shumo felt a little guilty. Looking at her blushing face and her twinkling eyes, she felt even more guilty.

How could he treat his good friend like this? As long as she was happy, he could only bless her.

"Alright, let's talk inside the office." Luo Shumo quickly pulled her into the office.

The person she liked was right in front of her. Tong Tong was even more confused now that he had seen her like this.