
As the three boys sits at the table, they feel a bit awkward because this is their first time being on a girl's house. Especially the fact that the girl is their sister.

In all of their years, they have never been in a girl's house because they kind of have unlucky with girls. Roby and Robert would look like the guys who would have luck at getting a girl, rather than Roman. But, this is more awkward for them because they are at a girl house, who turns out to be their lost sister.

Roberta is feeling a bit anxious on inviting them over here, even though it was her idea. She never thought the tension in the air would be so tough. She knows at the beginning it would be hard for them to do this, but they have to get used to it because they are now classmates. And who knows, maybe in the near future, college classmates.

All the four kids are staying at their table, eating the soup Roberta's mother has especially made for this occasion. The soup is one made with pork meat and beans. A delicious soup that this family's of Roberta's occasionally eat.

"You four of you are classmates." says Roberta's Mother.

"Yes, Mrs. Popescu." says Robert to Roberta's Mother. "All four of us are classmates."

"What a wild coincidence, am I right?" says Mrs. Popescu.

"Have you done something, Mother?" asks Roberta to her adoptive mother.

"No, dear. The soup is good." says Mrs. Popescu.

"Not the soup, Mom. I meant this. Have you plotting something?"

"No, dear." says Mrs. Popescu. "I didn't plot anything. In fact, I never knew the other three of your siblings would be here in Pitesti."

"Close to Pitesti." says Roby. "I live in Bascov."

"I see." says Mrs. Popescu to Roby remark, and she looks at her daughter. "Honey, I never thought a day like this would come?"

"Why didn't you tell me I was having brothers?"

"Because we thought this would have done something bad to you."

"Bad?" asks Roberta's surprised. "What do you think it would have happened? I would have been kidnapped or something like this?"


"Mother. You should have told me this."

"If this helps you with something." says Robert to Roberta. "My parents neither told me about the fact I have three siblings who look like me."

"Mine neither." says Roman who almost finished the first bowl of soup.

"My parents only told me I have brothers and a sister. But they told me they died." says Roby, making everybody at this table look at him, shocked by this information.

"Why would they say something like this?" asks Robert to Roby.

"I have no idea." says Roby looking at Robert, and he looks at all of his brothers and sister. "But I am glad it turned out to be a lie. I was feeling a bit bad that my brothers and sister have died, while I was the only one alive."

The other three siblings did not say anything at the table, they are having the save feeling, glad all four of them have meet each other in the final. Roberta's Mother, rise from the table, and she tells the kids.

"Stay here. I have something to give you."

Mrs. Popescu leaves the kitchen, letting the kids enjoy the beans soup with pork meat, and a big container with miso soup. She made two soups because this family, even if it consists into three members, they eat a lot on the dinner. Sometimes they even invite neighbours in when there is a special occasion such as a birthday, a holiday in Christian orthodox calendar or just as a normal Sunday night.

While Mrs. Popescu was gone, Roman, has finished the first bowl of soup. He puts the hand on his mouth to cover the barf was about to be unleashed from the mouth of this teenage boy. The other three siblings of his are looking at him.

"You already finished?" asks Roberta.

"Yes. And it was delicious." says Robert, and he looks at the pot with miso soup on the table, she looks at Roberta and points it. "Can I get seconds?"

"Sure." says Roberta.

And Roman took his bowl that was used to eat the pork soup. He poured into it the miso soup. About five ladle he took from that pot. And he eats the second portion slowly, unlike before.

"You sure are hungry." points Roby to his brother.

"Yes." says Roman continuing to eat the miso soup.

"Here it is." says Mrs. Popescu entering the room with an old newspaper, and she glimpse at Roberta. "Your grandfather used to collect newspaper. You remember?"

"Y-Yes." says Roberta who barely remembers his grandpa because he died thirty years ago.

"And what I have here it is the article of your birth."

Mrs. Popescu, makes some free space on the table, by moving the pot with miso soup to a counter table on the kitchen. She then, puts the newspaper on the table, and lets the kids look into it.

Robert takes the newspaper. As he is looking at the newspaper he is feeling surprised to see they are on the front cover. On the front cover it shows four babies, laying on their back on a hospital room, and wearing hospital uniform for babies. On the cover it also says, next to them the following title: "Four kids have been brought in 24 December, but with the cost of their Mother dead".

"On the day of Christmas in the year 2001," reads Robert the newspaper to his brothers and Mrs. Popescu, trying to make short and understand for them. He cannot get everything right because this newspaper is about a decade and five years old being kept in a poor state. "a miracle and a tragedy have happened in Pitesti, where an unknown lady has entered the Hospital gates, with her water broke. The reports at the Hospital are stating the woman was not escorted by someone. "She came here by herself" said Daniel Robert, the doctor who brought the kids to this world. While the birth was a success, the mother passed away due to birth complications. For the kids, it is unknown what fate they will have, but on the next days, they will be taking from the Hospital and put on the nearest Orphanage in Pitesti."

"That's it?" asks Roberta after he saw Robert has stopped to read.

"Yeah." says Robert curios, and he shows his friends a part of that newspaper page is missing, especially the one where the article is supposed to be.

"How did it happen?" ask Roberta to her adoptive mother.

"Maybe your grandpa had an incident which tore a bit off the page, but who knows, at least you four have found each other."

"It is weird the page was tore at the important part, don't you think?" asks Robert to Mrs. Popescu after he handed the newspaper to Roby to see for himself the article of their birth.

"What? You think I did it?"

"No, no, no. I think it was an accident." says Robert to Mrs. Popescu who for a moment was looking in disbelief at Robert.

After Roby has looked at the newspaper article, he hands it to his sister, then her sister is looking at it, and it hands it to Roman, who has finished the second bowl of food. He looks at the newspaper, and then he asks his friends.

"Hey. I know this doctor."

"You do?" asks the other three brothers at the same time, feeling really creped out, but also the feeling of "getting used to it".

"He is a great doctor of my family." says Roman. "Why did I never think he was a doctor on the Podiatry Hospital, but it does have sense he always called me "Robert or Roby" from time to time."

"He sure is." says Mrs. Popescu. "And where is the doctor?"

"He is on vacation in Germany. I believe in almost a week he will come back." says Roman. "Yesterday I was trying to get one of those documents to use it at Physical Education."

"To do sport?" says Robert to Roman.

"To skip sport." says Roman to Robert.

"So. We have to do it then?" asks Roby to his lost brothers and sister, who all are nodding in agreement to this decision.

When that doctor will come back from Germany, they will resume their searching. In the meantime, they can enjoy their teenage years and the freshmen's days at high school.

They do not stay long at the house of Roberta's, only about thirty more minutes, until Roman eats another three bowls of miso soup and one bowl of Pork meat soup. The boys are leaving Roberta's house, and are heading to theirs, where they have to prepare themselves mentally for tomorrow.