First School Day - Part 1

It is a new day here in Pitesti, a new sunny and cold day for the teenagers, kids and toddlers to begin a new time of their life that will become repetitive in the next years of their lives, first day of school. And this is a special day for some people here because they will start their high school life with a bang.

Robert crosses the street that leads it to the high school he will be attending for the next four years, but he is not walking alone on that cross-walk, next to him is a good friend of him, neighbour and classmate. That next person is a boy by the same age as Robert, hair fresh cut, a few acne points all around his face, brown eyes and under the nose, if you look closely, you can see about five to six hair thread that were going to become a moustache in a few years.

"Are you nervous?" asks his friend.

"No, Andrei." say Robert to his friend, Andrei, walking out of the cross-walk and to their high school they will be attending. "You?"

"No… What about them?"


"Your lost brothers." says Andrei.

"So the rumours are spreading already?"

"A bunch of us were listening outside with a cropped door while you, Roberta, Roby and Roman, I think, were talking to our home room teacher. And I was one of them."

"I see." say Robert not fazed by this because he kind of know this will happen, one way or another. "But I did talk to a few of them last night. They are alright."

"Alright?" asks Andrei a bit surprised. "Dude, they are your look-a-like brothers and sister. This is something more than "Alright."."

"Then, what would you do if you had found out you have two brothers and a sister that are look alike."

"I would have the time of my life." he looks at the school entrance, and he see the brothers of Robert, waiting for him at the school gate. "Here they are."

"I can see." say Robert, and he walks with Andrei to that group. "Hello!" he waves at the group, and the group waves back. "Want to meet them?"

"We are classmate."

"Ah, right." says Robert who forgot for a moment his neighbour dropped the application to a good school in favour to be in the same class with his childhood friend.

Upon Robert's arrival, the three kids were talking about the school happily and wondering what their classes would be like, while Robert is feeling very tired. The brothers don't know this, but Robert, stood up all night researching about quadruplets brothers. He stood until 2 AM on his computer, looking for any incident that happened like that in Pitesti, but all he found was the incident article it was mentioned yesterday at the dinner they've had at Roberta's.

Robert doesn't want to show he is tired to his brothers and sister, so he is trying to fake it by playing the role of being energized and ready for school, but then, he lost the act when Roberta told them.

"I didn't find anything about our case."

"Neither I did." say Roby about to fall asleep anytime.

"I did try to contact the doctor from Germany, but no luck so far." says Roman.

"I stayed up until 2 AM searching about the cases of quadruplets, but not any information." says Robert, who is making the other members of this group feel bad.

"What are you all so sad for?" asks Andrei who doesn't know until now these four kids are looking around clues to see if they can find their birth mother.

"I will be explained it to the class." says Robert to Andrei. "right now, let's go. We have three minutes left until the ring bell."

And the group of four look-a-like siblings are going to class, together with Andrei, who decided to tag along with them.


The first period they have to their first Tuesday at school, is Romanian, a subject that is essential here in Romania high school. A subject very important to the BAC exam the high school students are going to face when they get into twelve grade and need a diploma to get a job. Or if they do not do a BAC exam, they will still may be able to get a job, but their salary will be under minimum normal looking salary for a man working as a cashier with BAC exam. And nowadays, you would be able to even get a job with a successfully BAC exam result because most companies or workplaces requires people with diplomas from University.

Letting that aside, the four brothers sit at their benches and are looking bored at their teachers who are trying to make everyone introduce themselves to the class and to the teacher. They were first to start because this teacher of theirs, is having the thing to meet the back seaters rather than the front seaters. And this teacher, didn't even know about the case of these quadruplets, and how they were separated from their birth.

When all of the fourteen students in the interior of the class have been telling everyone from the class their names, what they like and where they stay, the class has started. The teacher, he is going on the blackboard, he writes it with a piece of white chalk his name, and after that, he proceeds to tell them about the subjects they are going to "learn" in their first out of four years.

"Now. The first lesson you will encounter will be about the famous fairy tale called "Greuceanu" written by the infamous writer Ion Creanga. And you should remember well, because this fairy tale has always been thrown into the BAC exam as the third subject. Now, who from here knows what does the third subject of the BAC exam consists of?"

Nobody answers the question in the next three seconds. Not because they don't know what is subject three about, they know, but they do not have any idea how to tell to the teacher. Out of sudden, to make everyone from the class surprised, Roby rises his hand, and when he was called by the teacher to answer, he says.

"It's about a three pages essay about the story itself."

"In a nutshell?" says the teacher. "Yes. But it is more than that. It's about the- "

The teacher proceeds to tell the student about the third subject, what it is about, what it consists and what are the stories they have to read and learn their essays for the next four years to come.

The four brothers are looking at Roby, who is sitting back in his seat, and he is looking at the teacher explaining about the third subject of the exam. Nobody really cares about because they still have three years to chill in high school and focus on making memories. But for Roby, who has always been interested in literature, it seems fascinating. He surprised all of them because Roby seems the type of high scholar who would enjoy outdoor activities such as football or cyclist. And why cycles? It is because Roby is in the team member of cyclists from Pitesti regionals.

After the first period has ended, and when the teacher has left the class, some classmates are walking to the tables of quadruplets, and all ten of them wanted to talk with the three brothers and the one sister. The brothers were a bit overwhelmed by the fact hey became the main attraction on the first day of school.

"You four never met each other before this?" asks one of the student girls with ponytail and blonde hair.

"No." responded the four students at the same time, this time, they did not get surprised even a bit because they already got used to it.

"How's life having a brother?" asks a male student that is having brown hair.

"Do you people live together?" asks another student.

"Is the sister available?" asks a student from outside the class, that is not even their classmate, but he somehow heard the rumours of quadruplets going into this school. Then, when he saw some students looking at him, he chickens out of there.

"Hey, hey!" says Roby to steer the classmate who gathered at their backbenches. "One question at the time, alright?"

The classmates decide to listen to Roby, but before they could state their questions, Robert raises from his seat, and he looks at his brother and his sister.

"Would you want to go to Carrefour?"

"Sure." says Roby who was feeling unsure about this.

"Alright." says Roberta.

"Okay." says Roman who just finished his sandwich home-made by his adoptive mother.