Doctor Gavril - Part 2

A while later, the person who entered the office leaves it, with a plastic bag that contains a few medicines. The gang doesn't know what does the elder woman suffers, but they do not care about her personal problems. All they care is for their turn to be welcomed in the office and asks the man if he knew about the operation.

The second elder woman is welcomed in the office where Doctor Gavril closes the door after her and start to discuss about her health the moment he got on the office. But the discussion on the office is not to the interest of this quadruplets gang, who was already feeling bored by all of this waiting.

"Have you seen the premiere episode of Survivor: Romania?" asks Roby to his friends.

"No." responds all the three friends, almost at the same time.

"OK." says Roby. "But, what do you want to discuss?"

"How about why there are a lot of people falling for Roberta?" asks Robert.

"What are you talking about?" asks Roberta looking curios at Robert.

"You haven't noticed, do you?" says Roby.

"There are guys falling in love… To me?" says Roberta surprised.

"Never happened before?" asks Roby to Roberta.

"It did happen in class eight. But those were jerks who would fall in love with me because of their stupid bets."

"Like what bets?" asks Roby out of curiosity. "I've had one classmate who bet on another to be in a relationship for a month."

"It was to have my first kiss with me." says Roberta.

"Oof." says the three brothers almost at the same time.

"At least it was a good-looking?" asks Roby.

"No. It was an ugly." says Roberta. "But, he wasn't bad like the others. Only a guy who doesn't really know how world works. I still wonder how he managed to get high grades on the national eight grade exams and join Bratianu."

"Did you do your first kiss though?" asks Robert who was more curious about this.

"Of course not. He insisted but seeing I did not want it, he leave me alone. He also took me out to McDonald's at the "first date" and forced me to pay."

"He broke the most important rule of dating." says Roby. "You sure he is not rich or something to attend at Bratianu?"

"He never told anyone about his family, not even to his homeroom teacher. He always kept it to himself." then he looks at Roby. "But enough about me. Roby. You mentioned earlier about the betting."

"Me?" asks Roby.

"Yes, you." says Robert. "You were also dragged into this betting thing?"

"Yes. Two times." says Roby. "Once I was forced to date a gypsy classmate for a month. If I managed to hold it one month, all of my classmates would give me each ten RON's. But I failed, and I had to pay each one ten RONs. Thankfully, they were only eight people I've paid, and the others did not take the money."

"How did you fail it?" asks Roberta.

"The girl tried to persuade me into marrying her in the second week. Her parent's idea though."

"Damn." says Roman, who was quieter most of the dialogue. "What a bunch of crazy people."

"Tell me about it. My adoptive parents called the child support on them, and took all of their kids and arrest these parents for dealing with illegal activities."

"Wow." said the elder woman who was listening to their conversation, but then, seeing how all the eyes of the kids turned at her, she looked in another direction, not giving a response to them.

"So anyway…" says the Robert in a whisper to Roby, not letting the elder person to hear the rest of their conversation. "What was the second bet?"

"To kiss. On the lips." whisper Roby to Roberta, and to the other two brothers. "But I instantly refused."

"What?" asks Roberta in a joke. "Because the girl was ugly?"

"No. Because I had to kiss a boy."

"Eww." says Roberta, Robert and Roman, all at the same time.

The doctor leaves the office with the elder patient, after three minutes since their conversation about the love and betting. The last elder woman enters the office, and Doctor Gavril closes the door after she entered it.

Then, when the coast got clear, the quadruplets continued to talk about another subject instead of the last one.

"So." says Roman. "How's the life going?"

"Good." says Robert. "How is living with Roberta?"

"Hey." says Roberta feeling little insulted by this question.

"It's okay." says Roman. "At least I don't feel alone anymore. I have a person to share room with."

"Aww." says Roberta.

"And hear her snore and farting at night."

"Roman!" says Roberta feeling awkward and mad at Roman for saying this.

"Sorry…" says Roman seeing the rage in Roberta's eyes.

Roby and Robert are trying to hide their laughing, but when Roberta looked at them, their laughing have instantly vanished.

"Sorry." says Robert.

"I am a bit curious, though." says Roby. "How would be if we would live together in the same house?"

"Probably a nightmare for the parents." says Roberta.

"I agree." says Roman to Roberta's statement.

"And to neighbours." says Robert.

"But it would be nice to live together, right? You know, not feeling alone and hanging out more."

"You got a point." says Robert. "But probably in the future, we all four will live together in the same rooftop."

"If we would have a bigger house. Then yes. We could."

A few minutes later, the last elder person leaves the office. Then, Doctor Gavril, is looking at the quadruplets, and he welcomes all four in his office. After he looked them in, he puts a sign at the door that it is written: "Do not disturb! Critical discussion with a patient.". And to be sure no one is bothering him, he locks the door of his office. He always does this sort of scheme when a serious discussion like this happens.

"Now." says Doctor Gavril. "Now that nobody needs me. I am all yours. What do you want to know?"

"We want to know what happened back there." says Robert who is sitting on the chair, while the other two brothers and the sister is sitting on the chirurgical bed the doctor is having in his office for kids.

"Alright. It all happened fifteen years ago when your mother walked in…"

"We know that part." says Robert. "Do you know what happened to us after our birth?"

"All I remember that you four were in the Hospital for the next month, then… You were taken."

"At the Orphanage?"

"No." says Doctor Gavril. "Somewhere much worse."