Doctor Gavril - Part 3

Fifteen years ago, at the Pitesti Podiatry Hospital, after the birth of the four infants from the teenager, who has died at giving birth, the doctors had to move the infants to the special room of where infant kids put in tubes, we are referring to Neonatal intensive care unit (or NICU for short). The infants were all put carefully near each other tubes.

"What are we going to do, sir?" asks Doctor Gavril, who at the time was still working on the desk, and did not finish his doctorate, looking at the infants sleeping, in each other neonatal intensive care unit.

"We keep them here, until a family member of the poor girl will come and pick them up." he says to Gavril.

"I understand."

"Let's go." says the doctor and leaves with Gavril from this room, and lets the assistants take care of the kids.


Twelve hours later, Gavril was on his desk, he was about to leave his shift, but then, someone enters the hospital. The person who opened the entrance door, and entered the building is a male, probably in his forty's, wearing black clothes, long brown hair, brown short bear, a pair of shades to cover his eyes and dressed appropriate for winter.

"Hello!" says Gavril looking at the unknown and suspicious man. "Can I help you with something?"

"I have come to see where is the woman." says the man, speaking a broken Romanian language, with a heavy accent. Upon speaking, you can clearly hear his Italian accent.

"I'm sorry." says Gavril who barely understand what that man said. "Are you Romanian?"

"No." says the man. "There was a woman who came here. I am her relative. U-Uncle."

"What is the name of the woman?"

Gavril knows what woman this man is referring, but he doesn't trust him. Especially on the looking and his way of looking around. He also wears shades in an illuminated building, and outside is almost sundown. Gavril has had a lot of suspicious and crazy visitors on this Hospital since he worked in there as an internship, but most of the time he dealt with them without any escalation. But this man, is not like a crazy woman who came in here to yell at any doctor for not giving the receipt for buying medicine for her or sick kid, or a crazy drunk man who has swallowed a plastic cup by mistake, or a teenage girl who tried to hide her pregnancies from their parents.

"Irina." says the man after a few seconds of thinking.

"And family name?"


"Right…" says Gavril who is sceptical, and he look on his left side. He sees his trustworthy hospital guards.

Gavril walks toward the guards, he tells them about this suspicious man, and the guards are quickly dealing with this suspicious man. They are taking the man outside, and tell him to not come inside of this place. But when the guards were about to enter the building, the unknown man takes out a teaser and jumps on the first guard. He managed to electrocute the first guard, but the second one was quick and used his pepper spray on the unknown man, then he gets pinned to the grown and locked with the handcuffs.

Gavril saw all of this, and he was scared. His heart was racing and he almost fall down because he did not expect such a person to enter the building. God knows what would've happened if the guards weren't there, and were on their coffee break like always.


Back to the present, in the office room, Gavril has told the quadruplets about this incident he was witness fifteen years ago. The four kids were left without any words. They were surprised and scared by their look, and Gavril, after he takes a sip from his mug of mint tea he made earlier this day, he tells them.

"And when the man got arrested. It was later revealed to the staff to be a criminal who was occupying with human trafficking. Most likely… a henchman or "worker" because of his incompetence of dealing with such scenes he made."

"That's crazy." says Roberta scared by this fact. 

The other three brothers are agreeing to this by moving their heads in agreement on the sync, looking all scared by this.

"And what happened to the criminal?" asks Robert.

"From what I remember a news channel report. They say a cop found the criminal in a cell… Stabbed thirty-nine times with an improvised knife."

"Who did that?"

"No idea to this day." says Doctor Gavril. "Now. These people were also trying one day later to get into hospital and try to take all of you, but thankfully, the guards and police were put on there to arrest anyone entering the Hospital and asking about the infants from N.I.C.U."

"There were a lot of men's?" asks Roberta.

"Only men's."

"Do you think our biological father would be there?" asks Robert to Roberta.

"There could've been a chance."

"No. There weren't anyone resembling your figure." says Doctor Gavril to Roberta. "Even if an infant is fresh born, at birth they do resemble a bit of their parent's facial aspects. And to girls, they will resemble a father aspect. There were a few candidates, but most of them didn't know nor could describe properly the biological mother of yours who have died." says Doctor Gavril.

"But do you find out her name?"

"No." says Doctor Gavril sounding sad. "We've tried everything, but it was to no use at all. The woman who gave birth to you doesn't exist in any data, nor her parents are alive. But there was another strange thing that happened right when you four were taken by the foster home."

"What was it?" asks Roby.

"There was another woman, who came in there, just like your biological mother. But thankfully, this one did survive and lives in Arges."

"Awesome!" says Roby.

"Do you know where she lives? Her name?"

"Unfortunately, no." says Doctor Gavril.

"I see. It is possible she changed her name after fifteen years, and her address."

"But if she survived." says Roman. "Does she said anything about those strangers coming into hospital and asking for us."

"She did say something about those people to the cops. And the things she revealed were a lot to take it." he takes a break from speaking by tasting the tea from his favourite mug. When he took a big mouth of tea he starts telling the teenagers the vague story of that day when the second woman was brought into the hospital, arriving in the same way as the Teenage Mother.