Lily stared upon the blight that had ravaged the prince’s body. She wondered how no one had found out about his ailment yet. The plague that marred his skin held the texture of burned wood, the skin rippling, cracking, flaking.
She stood from the table, fearful and curios of this strange illness.
"You’re wondering if it’s transmittable," the prince assumed.
"Ah, no—"
"It’s not."
Lily felt a sudden pity well within her. She reached for the floor and selected the prince’s shirt. He watched her strangely as Lily reached around him to drape the clothing over his shoulders. It required a close proximity she still wasn’t used to just yet.
For some reason, she couldn’t deny her curiosity the chance at touching one of these strange marks. She did it slowly, might the prince push her away, but he allowed her, seeming perplexed by her interest.