First Call

Liliana's pov :

No one was at home except me and Richard, my baby brother who never gives a damn about his elder sister.

That's what I liked about Jason, he loves his elder sister so much. The day when he threw a surprise party on Barbie's birthday and said those sweet words to me which were actually for his sister, I started feeling something for him.

I can't beg Richard to love me and respect me, so just accept everyone however they are, you can't change someone. He is a spoiled brat, my dear mom has spoiled him so much that he doesn't even listen to anyone.

Since we are alone in the huge mansion, Fee and I can do whatever we want. John happily informed me that my parents are out of the country and will return home after two days.

I quickly took a shower and went to Fee, "Fiona, my parents are out of the country for two days. Wanna have some fun?" I tried to cheer her up.