Red dress

Liliana's pov :

Shopping is something which I almost hated before but Fee is a really good company for shopping.

She helped me buy some cute girly clothes like crop tops, cute hoodies, and many more. I don't even remember the name of the clothes, and I didn't feel embarrassed because she didn't know, either.

I felt that I had a best friend with whom I can do any silly thing. We shopped like it was the last day of our lives, we ate like we were starving for decades, and we laughed like it was the last happy moment of our lives.

We forgot whatever shit happened in the day, all we did was focus on the feeling of freedom. I never knew life could be that happening and there would be fun in my life.

I was a boring and studious girl, I never gave any other thing a chance because I felt that I didn't belong to any other thing but books.