
Jason's pov :

I can't believe that she just sat on my bike without even arguing for once, she didn't hold me but I badly wanted her to hold me as a baby holds a lollipop in her hands.

What's wrong with my mind lately?

Do I want her to hold, am I a lollipop?

I'm a fucking eighteen years old guy, why do I want to be a lollipop?

This girl drives me nuts, oh, girl! If only I could tell you how much you affect me! But I would not take that risk to confess her effect on me to anyone.

I don't fucking care if she is a waitress or whatever anything else, my heart wants her only. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that she is the one with whom my fairytale will start and we will have a happily ever after.

I increased the speed of my bike and started having second thoughts about my love.

My subconscious started manipulating me…

Jay, are you stupid or hopelessly romantic?