Chapter 28

For adolescents and also things in life. New Writing and Renaissance Writing,

Even so, I couldn't help noticing how few people there are in the library. Such is due to the little culture that there is regarding the abundant information that can be obtained on the internet.

My father never agreed that all this information was made public given how old it is.

The negligence of these people is evident. Still this is beneficial for us.

I found written documents reveal the information from Japan, happened 40 years ago. It is a lot of information

Naomi and I split up to cover more information. Breaking down history to find things easier, from 40 to 50 years ago span that time. The most important are newspapers with many different titles

"Today, was the last day of her"

"She Died in the Most Unexpected Way"

"They stuck a knife in his back"

The titles do not help, they are too flashy and sensational. All the titles transcend curiosity and express another type of strange feeling. Out of these pages. Even so those titles are the only quick information I can get on these stories. Despite that, I prefer to continue reading the document to get more information.

I discarded the document as soon as I read it and went on to the next one. I read it calmly but there is no mention of what the police said. About the murders committed by that man in this story, this person only killed strangers. I read more useless documents, they are of no use to me. But I discarded one by one and I think I'll eventually find what I need. It's gonna take hours

All the homicide documents are listed in one section. Easy to find. After a few hours I ended up with a pile of documents on the table. Murders of different kinds and other atrocities committed, all in a single stack of documents. Even I who have helped in cases could not help but be surprised to read such atrocities.

It will be hard to forget

Even so, I can't find what I need, even though on the shelves there are books and books about atrocities committed. I can't find the one I'm looking for after a few hours, Naomi and I keep looking. Too much information and all of it is divided, there is no type of segmentation of information, only the years in which they were committed.

It's hard to find information like this. I decided to cover more just read the titles, maybe there is a graphic of the murder that I am looking for.

I hope I didn't skip the case, even so, after another two hours I didn't find anything and we already finished what is in the library.

I didn't find anything, this can't be all the information there must be more. Search the writings for a while.

However, I found nothing, and I could re-examine everything but…

This can't be all

"I'll be back" I told Naomi

Despite being murders from 30 to 50 years ago, they should not be so few.

"Hello," I smile at the librarian.

She is a lady in her 30s, with a red pendant around her neck and an enormous nightgown. She has a studious way of dressing.

"I am making a report for school with some scenarios that happened in Japan in past years"

The woman nods

"It is very interesting to revisit the past and see how much we have changed"

The woman listens carefully to my speech

"Although it seems strange to me that there are so few, normally I would think that this was a time, very violent, it was a bit out of my expectations"

"It's not like that, in fact, that period is characterized as the most violent period in Japan, but these documents are many and they are kept in the warehouse"

"Seriously, uh I guess it's like taking care of the document but it can't be damaged faster like this"

"Hmm, yes but that's why we keep it in a safe climate so that it keeps well"

"Oh really"

"Yes, they are in the back, in a large warehouse"

"Wow, seriously" I made a sad face "Too bad I won't be able to complete my report" I whispered loud enough for her to hear what she was saying

"THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN" she stands up and shouts

One person silences her

"I'm sorry" she apologizes between whispers

"Uhh, come on"

We head towards a large door made of wood, the door has scratches and is a bit shabby, it still looks in good shape. The door is far from the area where there are more people. The atmosphere behind the door is cold. The corridor also walks a few meters and we go through a door. Towards huge shelves I have never seen such a large warehouse. I can't imagine how wide it must be

I was stunned, the cellar is divided into sections exactly with the library but compared to this, the library is small

"Uhh, it's cold"

She nods "That's the reason why no one enters these shelves" Naomi explains "The environment is not suitable to be here" Naomi explains "That's why this section is alone. Besides that these books due to their age are only kept well like that"

The sections are different from those of a library, not only is it differentiated by section, but also by years, the information is also divided.

We walked towards a huge big bookcase there I found what I need. This bookshelf looked towards the very small library

Thousands of documents and books are on the shelves. Although it seems messy, there is still some order.

"This is what you need"

"Unsolved crimes, homicides and murders" she says on the shelf

"Thank you very much" I bowed my head.

"No need" She smiled "It's always good to see someone interested in history"

I started going through the documents one by one, I used the same method of doing a while