Chapter 29

Only the titles have if there is a striking one, I read the titles one by one and they all seem the same to me, there is none very graphic of the murder bank. I read some and they are a few descriptions of death. After a few hours nothing changes and I better read a little about death. It becomes apparent how easy it would be to just have the person's name.

"Young man kills all his relatives" I couldn't believe it here it is

I read a bit and it seems to be true, I probably found the case. The murder investigation is from a low-income family that one day their son killed his parents, there are two hypotheses for this, the son had a history of being a violent person and without reasoning when he was with the family. More than once discussions were heard inside that house. At the time, no attention was paid to that, unlike now. Even so, I do not understand why this report is so poorly detailed, it does not make a clinical profile of the subject. It only poorly describes the situation. I don't understand why they do this.

Pretty detailed family info and so is the murder. I do not understand, this information is not complete in that it relates a murder and the relatives. Even so, it is confidential information, I cannot take it with me to my house.

Kei's family consists of his grandmother, grandmother, sister and sister

Her grandfather and grandmother are dead and her brother is missing, so I only have this information to find her relatives. I hope to find them.

Naomi and I left the library like this one of the last known corrections of Kei's sister.

In a rural neighborhood, a young man walks with a mature woman, the woman gives off a charming air and a seductive look and a body with many attributes

The young man is tall with a defined face and soft eyes. They go to a country house.

It is not a good idea to bring Naomi if it is true that we are going to Kira, this is not good for her. But I can't hide the truth from her, she should have.

It is a two-story house with several windows and…

knock knock

An older woman opens the door, she will be about 30 years old, but she still did not have a seductive appeal, the woman came out with one of her sleeves out of her and with a sleepy look.

"What's up?" It was obvious to me that he was drinking

"We are…reporters we came to talk about your brother"

The woman led us into the house. In it there are some damaged photographs on the wall, all in different places in the photographs, a very happy family is seen. Both mother and daughter look very happy, it seems an ideal dream situation.

"Now that she made a fool of my brother" The woman frowns


Naomi raises her hand and interrupts me.

"He has been missing for the last few days, so we wonder if you know anything about him"

"My brother and I don't talk much well you don't talk to your family's murderer. Although…it doesn't really matter I don't know where he is."

"Seriously if he could tell us-"

"Wait, I don't have time for this. I'm going through a divorce right now, and I don't know if you'll understand this but I need time alone."

With nothing more to say we left the house. Although the thorn in me is following me, he seriously does not know the whereabouts of his brother.

I doubt he's lying even so it's strange not the way he acts. Something missing.

"If you saw that couple they broke up"

"Yeah I guess not everything is forever"

"Even so it is very hard, he had been unfaithful for too long"

Some ladies are gossiping

I take Naomi to a cafeteria and order a coffee "You're not going to be what you're thinking"

Naomi widens her eyes in surprise.

" It is necessary"

We will make things slow, if that Kira person can be dangerous

"It is dangerous"

"No, I'm asking for your opinion"

"I know but it is not a negotiation" Cross my arms "We will not act on the life of a person again"


"We won't hurt anyone"

"I don't want to hurt anyone"

"And if Kira were in that house, what would you do?"

Our food arrived and I ate it with gusto. It is not good to walk a lot without having a full belly

Naomi begins to touch the table with her finger, rhythmically and rests her hand on her face.

It is uncomfortable

"You won't eat your food"

she hadn't touched her


She doesn't say anything, she hasn't talked much today. She would normally act like a sister, also our relationship is weird and I can't help but think about it. I eat Naomi's food

"Wait" Naomi stops me.

"You weren't hungry were you?"

"I'm going to eat" she smiled

Naomi went to her house and once again we parted ways. It's a little weird not being together and she had me used to her presence

Sakura sits in the living room, next to her is a recently uncovered wine and a glass with some wine from a few minutes ago.

That is the biggest obsession of hers to drink wine for a few years even before her marriage began to go so badly.