4. Upgrades and Accidents

After getting sucked in the portal all Henry could see was lots and lots of white orbs, some as small as a football while others as huge as a car, floating in a red world with no end.

Suddenly he felt an attraction from somewhere as his soul body started to float towards a direction without control.

As he was flying he found that he was getting closer and closer towards one of the orbs that were neither too nor too small.

Just as his soul was about to touch the white orb a purple light came out of nowhere in front of him and entered inside his body as he heard a voice

[Upgrade Card Activated!]

[Skill Found]

[Skill Name - Memory (Rank H)]

[Checking possible upgrades in Nexus Records-------None Found]

[Checking if possible to mutate skill using Card's Energy----Mutation Route Found-

[Estimated time or 7 earth years]

With the last words, Henry felt blankness taking over his consciousness as his soul started entering the vortex formed in the place of the earlier orb.

As his soul was about to completely enter the vortex a rift formed in the space beside him and a dark energy blade came out of it as it cut a part of Henry's Soul containing a tint of a purplish spot in it which was sucked inside the rift from which the Dark Blade came from.


In a Certain Mansion of a certain Dimension.

After having a 'happy' reunion with his not so friendly sister Alex was sitting in the garden enjoying his drink.

By the time he was filling his cup a third time, a portal opened behind him as a beautiful woman with pink hair wearing a body-tight dark blue outfit showing all her curves came out of it and stood behind him.

"Did you succeed?" asked Alex without even turning back.

"Not exactly. The soul splitter, due to some unknown intervention was unable to reach that mortal's soul and thus was only able to cut only a small part of the soul. Though the part that was cut down was a part of its soul essence." Replied the woman.

"Well I wasn't even counting on that thing to succeed, but you gave me such good news as splitting his soul essence is the best result I can ask for. With this, Now he can't ascend ever in his life. HAHAHa" laughed Alex as he pulled the pink-haired woman in his lap "Now for such great work you should be rewarded my dear Champion." spoke Alex while biting her ears as she started squirming in his laps.


Potter Manor,

7th, August 1990,

It's been a week since the current lady potter gave birth to two cute little Potters named Harry Potter and Henrietta Potter with Henrietta being older as she was born two minutes earlier.

Today was the day the current Lord and Lady Potter decided to celebrate the birth of the twins with their close friends and the members of Order amidst the terror of the new Dark Lord.

Almost everyone was present at the party. Lord's and ladies of 'light' side, members of Order, an organisation made by the 'strongest' wizard of Europe used by Dark Lord to hone their skills, their friends from Hogwarts. The only person missing at the party was Abus too many names Dumbledore. (A\N: spelling his name makes me dizzy)

Everyone was congratulating the Potter Couple and enjoying the happy moment. No one wanted to talk about any depressing topic related to the ongoing war, but some things, even if you don't want to do it yourself, are bound to happen.

In the middle of the party, the alarms set in the mansion's ward started ringing announcing people were trying to break the wards.

"Master Potter, Death Eaters have broken the manors wards and are on their way towards here" came the voice of a house-elf as it popped out of nowhere in front of James Potter.

"How can they break our manor's ward this easily? Anyways let them come. We'll show them how wrong they're to attack our, the Potter Family's manor" Said James in a voice filled with shock and anger "Lords and Ladies I would like all of you to please support us in apprehending this evil spawns".

"Are you out of your mind Jame? What will we do if some random spell hits any of them? We should evacuate this place as soon as possible" shouted Lily at the stupidity of her husband.

"Lily is right Prongs. We can always get them back for this later. Currently, there are many little children of many noble houses here. We need to take them somewhere safe as soon as we can" persuaded Lupin.

Hearing his wife's and friend's suggestion and seeing the situation they were currently in James knew he took the decision too hastily as he became embarrassed and said "I'm sorry everyone. Let's leave this manor as soon as we can. We'll use a special floo network connected to Hogwarts set by the headmaster himself as we don't know what will happen if I open my manor's floo network now. They might be ready at any moment to floo here once we open it."

Without wasting any more time he led them to a secret room and gave them floo powder to use the network. As he saw everyone disappearing in the floo one by one a crazy smile appeared on James' face which didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

Seeing his smile Sirius Black, the most mischievous marauder knew he was up to something as he asked "Hey Prongs are you trying to do something fun without telling any of us?"

"It's not that I wanted to hide it from you guys, it's just that what I'm going to do will probably upset the Headmaster if he knew what I did so I would like it if you guys could keep it a secret," replied James/Prongs with mischievousness flashing in his eyes.

"You know that us marauders are the best secret keepers. Tell us already buddy" Asked

Sirius in an impatient voice.

"Well, all I did was just activate the self-destruction ward of my Manor which will activate once someone forcefully breaks the ward and enters the Manor. The ward core will gather all energy from a radius of a few miles and use it to fuel a distraction rune which will destroy even the surrounding of the Manor. The only ones who could survive something like this are probably only Headmaster and Dark Lord" replied James in a laughing tone.

"ha ha ha.." laughed Sirius.

"How can you do that James? Many people will die because of this" said Lily worriedly.

"It's their fault to attack our manor and that too on such a special occasion. They have to pay the price Lily, and that price will be their life." replied James in a cold tone "Now let's leave they've already breached the middle wards and are working on the final ones"

"James is right Lily, they have to pay the price. I don't know why Dumbledore is against killing but the only way to end this war is the death of either side" said Sirius as he took

floo powder and proceeded towards the floor network followed by smiling James, scared Peter and hesitant Lupin and Lily with little Potters resting in their parent's embrace.


Alternate Title

- Upgrade Card, Baldy the Party Pooper.