5. The Prophecy

I've decided to make Harry's twin his sister as per jeanpierregerardo's advice. It gave me some new ideas about how to go in the relationship of those siblings (just FYI no incest)...earlier I was just going to write both potter's relationships as close yet distant brothers but this will be good too.


Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.



Dumbledore was strolling in the castle thinking about the prophecy when suddenly the wards alerted him of the arrival of someone in his office.

Thinking of who might have come at this late-night he started walking towards his office where he sensed the number of presence increasing with each passing second.

Thinking that something might have happened or in the worst case there might be intruders he decided to use secret passages of the castle to reach his destination as soon as possible while thinking how unfortunate it is to not have Fawks at this time.

When he arrived at his office the scene inside shocked him, as he saw members of Order and 'Light' Family, old and young gathering inside his office. Most of the ladies and children group looked frightened while some adults were arguing about something.

"Ahem.."Seeing that nobody noticed his arrival he coughed lightly to grab their attention.

"Headmaster/Dumbledore" various voices greeted him as everyone went towards him.

Just as Dumbledore was about to ask about their presence in his office the Floo network lit up once again as James along with his family and friends came out of it one after another.

Seeing Dumbledore James quickly went towards him and started explaining what happened.

"Death Eaters, Headmaster. I don't know why but they attacked my Manor during the banquet I arranged."

"They attacked your manor?" Exclaimed Dumbles shocked.

"Yes Headmaster, I thought you might know something about this but it looks like even you don't have any clue about this attack."

"I don't know why they attacked your mansion James. But there are a few reasons I can think of. First being the gathering of these many peoples might have attracted Voldemort's attention and he might have thought of finishing off all of you or atleast most of you. And second, is…" Saying up to here he went into silence.

"What is the second reason headmaster?" asked Molly Weasely

"Let's first send everyone to their home. This thing is related to only the Potter and Longbottom family. The fewer people know about it the better it will be." Replied Dumbledore went towards his table and took out a bag full of floo powder. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please?"

Although most of them wanted to know about the reason being loyal followers of 'The Great Light Lord' they didn't ask any more questions and made their way towards floo network leaving one by one.

After everyone went away except the Potters, Longbottoms, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew Dumbledore sat on his chair as he offered "Lemon Drops anyone?"

Waiting for him to tell the reason for the attack no one answered him as they just stared at him silently.

"sigh" Seeing this he sighed and said "A prophecy was made today by a Trelawney descendent. I can't tell you guys more about it but the main thing it mentioned is that a boy born in the closing of the seventh month will have the power to vanquish The Dark Lord."

"What? Are you saying that a child will have the power to kill the Dark Lord? Don't joke around Albus." Hissed Augusta Longbottom mother of a famous author and the lord of the Longbottom house, Frank Longbottom.

"Lady Augusta, I know this might sound idiotic but a prophecy made me a Trelawney can't be taken lightly. When she made the prophecy we were in Hog's Head so I think this news might have somehow got to the Dark Lord as he might have wanted to erase his future problems. And the children born in that time mentioned in prophecy were present in the banquet today." Saying so he focused his gaze towards the Potter twins and little Longbottom in their parent's arms.

"Are you saying that one of these three will have the power of defeating Dark Lord?" asked Alice Longbottom as she tightened the hold on her little child.

"That's what the prophecy said. And now the Dark Lord is after them. He won't stop until he kills them." replied Dumbledore in a serious tone.

"Then what should we do now? I don't want any harm to happen to my little ones." asked Lily in a scared tone stared at her twins with eyes filled with warmth and love.

"Fidelius Charm. That's the only solution I can think of for now."

"I don't have any manor or property with this charm" replied James in a distressed voice.

"One of my houses has this charm but you all know the situation with my family," said Sirius.

"I can cast the Fedelius. All you need to decide is a place and the secret keeper," said Dumbledore

"Thank you, Headmaster. We have a little home in Godric's Hollow. That place will be the best place I think." said James

"I would…" Frank wanted to say something as he was cut off by his mother "Thank you for your offer Dumbledore but we have a place with that charm. I'll be taking my family there tomorrow."

"Okay, you guys should go and rest for tonight in the guest's section of the palace. We'll leave tomorrow as soon as possible". Said Dumbledore as snapped his finger followed by the arrival of a house-elf "Jesmy, Show them the way to the guest's section of the castle."

"Okays mester Dumbles" replied the elf as he started walking forward "This way."

"Good Night Headmaster/Albus." wished everyone as they went on their way.

As everyone left his office room a smirk appeared on Dumbledore's face as he murmured "Everything is going as planned, just a few more years and then I will get what I've been longing for for decades. The Progenitor's Bloodline will be mine soon."