
Compartmentalization: Productivity Tool

Let's first define "Compartmentalization"

As per Merriam Webster, Compartmentalization means ' to separate into isolated compartments or categories

When you separate a file from another sort of file, that's compartmentalization...

The word 'Sorting' itself can be considered a form of compartmentalizing things up.

I first learned about this word from reading books. I thought, good vocab! Will be very useful to remember and so I started using it when writing things. Little did I know that this simple vocab will give me realizations about life... That it can also be a great tool for performing better in so many things... and a trick to be more productive.

For example in language learning, having to know your first language makes it hard for you to speak a new language. Why? Because of the created disorder on your thoughts whenever you try to speak another language. Your vocabs from your main language meddle whenever you try to speak a new language thereby performing lots of translation inside your head even before the actual speaking. What if you can compartmentalize your thoughts to train more effectively for fluency? What if your stored vocabs and grammar rules for the new language are the only thoughts you can choose from when you are trying to speak that new language? Now, I want you to try this...

Tell yourself and believe this...

I can only speak (a new language).

I don't understand (Tagalog/or any language in which you are already fluent).

I don't understand any other language.

You then start creating compartmentalizations on your thoughts and choosing to use only one part of those compartmentalizations...

And now, try speaking the new language for much more felt fluency and effective training.

It's like leaving your brain with no other choice.

Now when I say, you can be more productive using Compartmentalization?

Why don't you leave yourself having no choice but to do productive things? Throw away distractions!

*Ignore your phone first thing in the morning!

*Limit your cigarette consumption, and keep your wallet away from easy reach! Leave yourself no choice but to do better things!

*Want to finish that project? Throw away your phone!

* Want to learn new things? Ignore facebook notifs! Ignore TikTok! Etc.

*Build a wall where you can only reach for useful things to do!

Build a wall so high that you can't climb or thick that you can't penetrate it. Those are the distractions on the other side of the wall, out from your sight.. out from your reach.