The three commander ( Busk's death )

The moon hung low in the ink-black sky, a cold witness to the impending battle. Commander Busk stood at the head of his valiant army, a determined and unwavering force. They had ventured deep into the heart of demon-infested territory, chasing the shadows of an unspeakable threat that had plagued Aeloria.

The air was thick with anticipation as Busk's soldiers, a mix of seasoned warriors and skilled mages, prepared for the inevitable clash. Demons had proven themselves to be formidable adversaries with their thick, impenetrable skin and malevolent fury. Yet, Busk and his troops were resolved to face this horror head-on.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as the demons approached. Growls, guttural and menacing, filled the night air. Busk's grip tightened on his sword, and he barked orders to his soldiers, "Steady, warriors! We stand as one, for Aeloria!"

The demons charged forth, a nightmarish tide of grotesque figures. Busk's soldiers met them with unwavering resolve, the clash of steel against demon flesh echoing through the night like a chorus of slash! swish! The sound of metal against the demons' unnatural skin was jarring, but they couldn't afford hesitation.

Busk himself fought at the forefront, his blade slashing through the air with precision and power. With each swing, his sword sang a deadly melody, cutting into the demons' unyielding defenses. It was a grueling battle, but they had faced adversity before and come out victorious.

Amidst the melee, the mages unleashed their magic with thunderous blasts. Fireballs erupted with a deafening boom! while lightning bolts crackled and sizzled through the night, casting eerie shadows on the battlefield. The demons screeched and writhed as the magic tore through their ranks.

But the demons were relentless, their sheer numbers and unholy strength overwhelming. For every demon they struck down, two more took their place. Busk's soldiers fought with unyielding courage, but the odds were stacked against them.

As the battle raged on, exhaustion began to wear down even the bravest of hearts. Busk himself felt the fatigue seeping into his bones, and his armor felt like a leaden weight. The demons, sensing their moment, pressed their advantage.

Busk roared to his soldiers, "Hold the line! We can't let them break through!"

But the demons, driven by an insatiable hunger for blood, pushed harder. Soldiers fell, their desperate cries cutting through the chaos of battle. The once-unbreakable wall of warriors began to crumble.

In the midst of the melee, Busk's mind raced. They were losing ground, and the demons showed no sign of relenting. His heart ached for the brave souls who had followed him into this hellish nightmare.

And then, as if summoned by a shared sense of desperation, a surge of determination coursed through Busk and his remaining soldiers. They couldn't allow themselves to be overrun. They had to make this their last stand.

With a thunderous roar, Busk rallied his troops. "For Delvis! For honor!"

They fought with a renewed fury, a desperate final push. The demons, caught off guard by this sudden resurgence, faltered for a moment.

The mages unleashed their most devastating spells, and the soldiers struck with all their might. The night was filled with blinding flashes of magic and a cacophony of booming explosions. The demons howled in agony as they were pushed back.

Tears welled in Busk's eyes as he knelt beside a fallen comrade. He whispered a solemn prayer for the souls of the departed, a promise to remember their bravery and honor their sacrifice.

But, He didn't have time to oray longer as demons were still there. but the situation Changed suddenly when a thrilling voice came that made busk tremble in fear...

" Puny Humans sure put up the fine Enjoyment... However, I will end it here for the great desire of Demon god " A Demon that looked powerful said.

It was Busk's first time seeing such demon but he he was powerful... Before Busk could react, The demon threw a Trident which was a magical weapon instantly hitting Busk's Heart...

Busk roared in pain as he looked at his army getting killed one by one in hands of these Demons...

Why was he here? What was the goal? Busk thought as under the life-threatening situation, Hypnotism was washed off...

But some question remained unanswered, And Busk died just like that.

( Sorry all three commander and cuckold commander chapter were short... )