The News

( Volume 3 )

In the grand halls of Delvris, with its towering obsidian walls and cold, echoing chambers, the atmosphere was heavy with an eerie silence. Alex, the ruler of Aeloria and the man known for his cold, ruthless demeanor, sat upon his throne of dark, foreboding stone. His eyes, like shards of ice, glistened with a cold intelligence, but his expression remained stoic and unmoving.

Beside him was Alice, Who was equally cold and beautiful with her stomach slightly bigger.

Alex Returned to Delvis and was Currently sitting in his Throne mad of Obsidion.

The news had begun to arrive in fragments, like shattered glass slowly piecing itself together to form a painful mosaic. A messenger, his voice trembling with trepidation, approached the throne. "My lord, Commander Helbrid and his army... they... they have been defeated. The demons overran them."

Alex's response was a simple nod, devoid of emotion. He leaned forward, his fingers intertwining in contemplation. "Tell me more about these demons. Their strengths, their weaknesses. And are they searching for something? "

The messenger hesitated, fear gripping his throat, but he spoke as ordered. "The demons are formidable, my lord. Their skin is as hard as stone, nearly impervious to our weapons. They outnumbered us greatly, and their relentless assault left no room for escape. That's the only things we Know... "

Alex's gaze remained unyielding, his voice unwavering. "Very well. Send scouts to gather intelligence on these demons. I want to know everything about them. Their numbers, their leaders, their origins. And more importantly their Desire... "

The messenger bowed and left to carry out his orders. As he did, another approached, bearing grim tidings. "My lord, Commander Busk and his army... they too have fallen. The demons are unlike any foe we have faced."

Again, Alex's response was a nod, as if the news of their deaths were mere trifles. "Tell me, how did they meet their end? What strategies did they employ?"

The messenger recounted the battle, the relentless demonic onslaught, and the valiant yet futile efforts of Commander Busk and his soldiers. Alex listened intently, his mind absorbing the details like a machine processing data.

Soon, another messenger arrived, this time bearing news of Commander Nero and his forces. The tale of their demise was no different - demons with impenetrable skin, overwhelming numbers, and an unrelenting fury.

Throughout these grim reports, Alex remained stoic, his face a mask of cold indifference. He asked questions, sought details, but his voice never wavered, and his emotions remained locked away.

As the messengers continued to deliver news of fallen commanders and their armies, a dark pattern began to emerge. The demons were a force unlike anything Aeloria had ever faced - relentless, impervious, and seemingly unstoppable.

Finally, as the last messenger recounted the fall of the final commander, Alex's interest seemed to intensify. "These demons," he said, his voice finally carrying a hint of something resembling emotion, "they are unlike any adversary we have ever encountered."

He rose from his throne, his eyes now ablaze with a fire that had been absent before. "Prepare our armies. Arm every able-bodied soldier. I want our finest mages to devise new spells, new strategies. These demons will know the wrath of Delvis like never before."

The messengers, having delivered their grim news, left to carry out their ruler's orders, but they couldn't help but exchange uneasy glances. Alex, the cold and ruthless conqueror, had shown a spark of something they had rarely seen - determination, perhaps even a hint of emotion.

Under the Light, They could See Alex Smiling... The Infomous King Alexander Hallington who never moved muscles on his face was smiling...

Was it excitement? Or perhaps desire? But it seems...another major war is upcoming in Aeloria... While he looked at Alice.

" Mystic Eye...? " A Eye which is less Powerful than his, But despite being Partially omniscient, he have no idea what is and demon that are searching for it...

For what reason? And it doesn't seem demon are acting in their own... But under the command of power from above... Heaven?

Might be Hell... Who knows Demons Thinks of hell as their heaven, But Alex recalls killing a so called demon lord... Who said it can help kill Gods...

Maybe Demon god is looking for it... Alex was interested as he could Finally fight some one powerful... As Supernatural Ai of System couldn't be Defeated... But he was improving Day by Day...

" Summon, All Astra" Alex ordered.

After a few minutes, There were 5 Astra present There, " Master, you called Us ".

" Indeed, Make some powerful weapons that Can breakthrough Demon's Skin... And Give Mages the formula of powerful Magic Spells.... We are going on War with these Demons " Alex Said.


Roger that!

Sure Master!

All of the Astra replied to Alex words...


After which Alex left the Throne room...

He still haven't heard about Cuckold commander meaning his army was also wiped out... Despite he don't feels anything about them.

It is still better to give them a proper memorial before they engage in War, Alex thought... But Frist...

" Pass the words, call the Wives of all commander... I have a sad message for them... " Alex said to the guard... Who was standing like a NPC.

The Guard nodded and left...

Before going to war, let's Have some Fun with New widows... Alex thought.