
Embracing the Widows

Alex who was half sleeping peacefully on his bed got the message from outside that, The wives of Commander were here and they also knew the Death of their Husbands.

Alex gets up and walks towards the room where they were kept right now...

Krrrrrr! Alex opens the door, showing his cold face.


In the somber halls of the Delvris castle, the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow. The news of the fallen commanders and their armies had spread throughout the kingdom, casting a pall over the once-mighty fortress. While Alex, the ruler of Delvis, had shown an uncharacteristic determination in the face of the demonic threat, there was another side to his persona that few had witnessed.

As the widows of the fallen commanders gathered in a dimly lit chamber, their eyes red from tears and their hearts heavy with grief, they couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. They had heard stories of Alex's cold and ruthless nature, stories that painted him as a man devoid of compassion. But now, they had been summoned to meet with him, and they didn't know what to expect.

The door to the chamber creaked open, and Alex entered. His presence was imposing, and his Dangerous purple eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness. He wore a emotionless expression, as his usual , as he approached the group of widows.

For a moment, an uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Then, one of the widows, her voice trembling with grief, spoke up. "My lord, we thank you for granting us an audience during these trying times."

Alex looked at her nodded, his gaze softening slightly. "I understand your pain," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Your husbands were brave and valiant warriors, and their sacrifices will not be forgotten."

While he says these... His eyes were Glowing purple and there was Dim purple flow on those 4 Widows too, The Wife of Commander Cuckold... He had Fuked her in Past too.. But these there were new.


The widows exchanged glances, surprised by the empathy in his words. They had expected a ruler who would be cold and detached, but this Alex was different... He was Handsome and cool...

One by one, the widows began to share their stories, their memories of the fallen commanders. They spoke of their husbands' courage, their devotion to Delvis, and the dreams they had shared. Tears flowed freely as they recounted the moments they had cherished and the moments they had lost.

They were crying for their Husband while they looked at Alex with lovely Dovely eyes.. They were sad that their husband died but they were joyful too as, it gave them chance to meet Alex...

They were all looking at alex with Lustful eyes... While they show the emotions of a widow, crying over their dead husband which was Fake...

Why Fake? To get sympathy of Alex... They want Alex to hug them... Touch them... And especially pleasure their Pusy... Since their Husband have died...

Just because a farmer died doesn't mean Land shouldn't be plotted... Another farmer will Plot the Land and Plant his Seeds...

The Widow wanted it... The Seeds of Famous Cold and emotionless king on their womb but none of them could bring his to do it...

Until... The wife of Cuckold commander began to unzip Alex's pants and start to wake his little brother with her kisses and licking...

Alex and she had done more than thrice in last where alex showed her womb more than 10 times so, this Dik wasn't a new thing to her unlike other widows...

Seeing this other were also Confused... But they also wanted it, so they start giving Bullshit Reasons...

" Your Highness... Let me help you too, I know the death of My husband and other commander is giving you stress, As the Responsible wife, I will help you release your Stress " the first one said...

" Yea, Your Highness... My husband's death has also given you a lot of stress... Let me help you too... " The second one said...

" Me too... Let me also help Royal Highness... With my body " The third one said...


" Uhmmmmm..... Mmmmmm" The cuckold's Wife was sucking the Erect Coxk of Alex while she listens to them.

Her Sad state started to Get better.... In Fact, It got even better... Her wet panties were full of lubes


The other three on get in their knees... As they looked at the long, big Fat cock of alex... Swallowing their saliva.

They each went for his Cock head... The First one came back up from kiss... She licked the precum on alex's cock head and She opened her mouth wide and gave him a very good blow job

The other two watched her and Cuxkold's wife was angry as she pushed and started sucking Alex's cock...

Sucking Alex's Cock Head then Tongue licking the rest of the cock,

Of course Cuckold's wife wasn't gonna watch...she took alex's Balls in her mouth.

Uhmmmm.... The Nero's wife put his Cock... In her mouth and suck it... While Cuckold's suck his balls...

" that's enough.... All of you get in knees and let me see your Pusy " Alex says...

Nero's wife and Cuckold's wife stooped Sucking his Cock... Got back, Undressed and got on their knees...

Showing their Big big asses and their wet Crotch... That wants to suck his many Cock...

All four of them were kneeling revealing their Ass and crotch... Alex tells them to raise their hip little higher and they did it...