
A young boy age 10,with jet black hair and piercing green eyes was walking in a line with bunch of other boys similar to him in age.

They would enter a room where a older man who the young boy assumed was about 38 to 42 years old,was measuring the boys height and size and having their weight checked.

A few boys were made to stand in one line and another group of even fewer boys were made to stand in another line.After looking around accessing the situation,the young boy heard."Is there a Tyler Ottis here?"

The young boy would raise his hand and walked to the front to get measured and his weight check.After everything was done he was sent to the line with the most boys,the shorter line was ushered out by a commanding officer shortly after.Tyler would notice how the shorter line of boys were bunch of boys who looked underfed or incredibly short for the age he assumed they were.

Soon the commanding officer came back and yelled for their attention.All the boys would look at him and the commanding office would say. "I would like to thank you all for coming here and being in prime health to remain here,I'm sure you all are aware the state that our country,the United States Of America is in." The commanding officer would signal for a soldier to drag in a white board and a projector.

The commanding officer would clear his throat. "Sorry where are my manners,I forgot to introduce myself.My name is Commander Ford of the Delta Squad of the Mech Trooper Corp." The other soldier finished putting everything in its place and turned on the projector.

Commander Ford took out a baton from his pocket and extended it and began pointing at a image being projected. "America is right now facing a situation where were being invaded by three countries and potentially four if Canada decided to not remain neutral,these three countries have a foothold in the mech suit technology with one of them being Russia,and so the American government has decided we needed future soldiers who are trained for the Mech Trooper Corp rather than being transferred over from a previous branch or corp,I've been sent to become a instructor for the future generation of the Mech Trooper Corp and that will be all for now." Commander Ford would signal for the white board and projector to be taken away.

Commander Ford would kneel down and say.

"I don't want to stress all of you,so for now just get familiar with your new life so for today we will not be entering any training but we will be needing all of you to fill out a personality test so we know what type of training to provide for all of you respectively." Commander Ford would stand back up and walk out of the room.

The other soldier walked to the front and said.

"You have all met Commander Ford,now let me introduce myself.My name is Captain Cody of Team Absalon and I will give all of you a tour of the base so all of you will know where to go.So now follow me."

Captain Cody led the group of boys around the military camp,and taught them how the training systems work.Eventually he led them towards a room where a commanding officer was waiting.

The commanding officer excused Captain Cody with a smile but the moment Captain Cody stopped looking and already left the room the commanding officer expression would change to a scowl.

He would yell at the boys to take a seat and after they all took their seat he would introduce himself. "My name is Commander Rex of Alpha Squad.Now your all under my jurisdiction that means you all have to listen to me!" Commander Rex would take the stack of paper off his desk and place one on each table.

Commander Rex would walk back to the front and had his back facing the students before saying. "You have 1 hour to complete the personality test,that should be more then enough time for you to finish if you haven't you could say your being dropped back home."

Everyone after hearing what he said quickly began filling out the paper.A hour later everyone finished and Commander Rex collected the papers,and put them on his desk after collecting all of them.

Commander Rex would face the class and say. "You all are now free to leave to check into your living quarters." Everyone shortly left the room after hearing that.

Everyone went to Commander Ford to collect their living quarters number.After that everyone went to their respective shared living quarters.

Tyler Ottis arrived at his,number 6-9,his bag and other people bags of living essentials were dropped off by the front entrance of the living quarters and would enter alongside some other boys.Tyler would look around the living quarter,it was a bit dusty he would grab his bag and place it down by a bed and began unpacking and started of by folding clothes and putting them into a nearby drawer.

After he was done with his unpacking it was 6:20 PM a speaker in the room suddenly turned on and a message came through.

"All boys must come to the cafeteria for dinner." this message would replay until everyone left the room and headed for the cafeteria.

Tyler grab his food and sat down at a table and analysed the content of the food.A simple meal of mashed potatoes,some peas and carrots.Tyler would quickly finish his dinner and went back to his living quarter and passed out on his bed.