
A alarm in the living quarter went of with a message. "Everyone wake up,it's time for your breakfast!" everyone in the living quarter begrudgingly got up and went to the showers to freshen up themselves.

Tyler quickly finished his shower and went to the cafeteria to eat his breakfast,the food was the same as the one he has for dinner,suddenly another boy sat at the table next to him.

That boy was his age with short blond hair but was for some reason wearing a hockey mask which obscured his facial features.The boy introduced himself. "Hello Tyler,my name is John.John "Joker" Johannes."

Tyler looks at John and said "Johannes...are you German?" John simply nodded.Tyler puts a spoon of mash potatoes in his mouth before continuing his conversation. "German defector?" John nodded again. Tyler tried to take off John hockey mask but John slapped his hand away. Tyler complained "Hey,I was just trying to see what you look like." John cleared his throat and said "Sorry but that is confidential information." Tyler laughed and said "Okay,I respect your wishes but why the nickname,Joker?" John laughed a maniacal laugh before saying "That's why,I was given it because of my insane sounding laugh."

Soon Commander Rex and Commander Ford came into the cafeteria and yelled for their attention,Commander Rex would say "Now that we have your attention,it's time for you to start your military training and it's gonna be a grue-." Commander Ford cutted Commander Rex off by saying "First of all I would like for all of you to come to my office for your personality test results I would like to seperate you based on your results before your training as some branches of the Mech Trooper Corp require special training or remove some training which are used by other corps.

Tyler stood in line with John right behind him,after a few minutes Tyler got his paper and looked at the results.John sat down before unfolding his paper to read his results.

Tyler reads his out loud.

"I am a member of the assault corp."

John would look at Tyler and showed him,his paper.

Tyler grabbed the paper to read more clearly.

"John Johannes,cadet of the Recon Corp."

John would ask.

"Is that a good thing?"

Tyler simply shrugged it off and gave the paper back.

Commander Rex would call for the cadets of the assault corp to line up.Tyler ran towards the line.

Commander Rex would bring them towards a room filled with machinery.Commander Rex would instruct them.

"Take a simulator of choice,the guns which will be simulated have their names written on the simulation pods."

Tyler would walk around before settling for a simulation of the HBRA3.Tyler would get inside of the pod and turned it on with the help from Commander Rex.

When the pod closed the screen was black but when it powered on the screens lit up,with a image which looks like the sky.

Tyler would move both joysticks forward,the screen moved the accommodate the movement.Tyler would make the simulated mech stand up.

A enemy mech materialised in front of Tyler.Commander Rex would say.

"This is a simple battle simulation to test your ability to handle warfare,so don't hold back."

Tyler would take out the HBRA3 and began shooting,missing most of his shots as the enemy mech outmanoeuvred his shots.

Tyler looked up as the enemy mech jumped and threw the gun away and pulled out his sword and plunged it straight into the enemy mech chest.

A message played on his screen


Tyler picked back up his gun as about 30 enemy mechs materialised.

Tyler began firing wildly managing to kill 2 of them before having to reload.While reloading Tyler would have his simulated mech run for cover but while trying to run he made a mistake by making his back face the opponent.

Tyler would get shot in the back multiple times before he finished the reload and turned around and begun aiming for their chest.

But suddenly a sword went straight threw his gun,so Tyler had to throw it away and kick the enemy mech who stabbed his gun away.

Tyler took out his sword and rushed straight at them like a fool and had rounds of bullet unloaded into his mech ending his battle simulation.

Tyler would get out of the simulation pod and watched as his colleagues were getting past WAVE 1 and some were even already on WAVE 5,Tyler was shocked at the difference in skill.

Commander Rex pulled Tyler out of the room and told him.

"You failed the battle simulation,now I'm gonna have to start the second phase of the training earlier for you,start working out to handle the g-force the mechs have to produce to slow down for a in real life situation."

After a hour Tyler was tired from working out and only now saw his colleagues enter the room.Tyler was about to leave but Commander Rex stopped him and told him to continue.

Tyler would work out with his colleagues for another 2 hours and do battle simulations for the rest of the day.

It was dinner time by the time they were done.Tyler completely exhausted dragged himself to the cafeteria to eat his dinner.

John was sitting already at a table waiting for Tyler.Tyler would sit next to John.

John started the conversation.

"How was your training as a cadet for the assault corp?"

Tyler would begin just complaining about the training and how below average he was in the battle simulations.

Eventually both Tyler and John went to the showers before going to bed.