Chaos At The Military Base

It was 3:00 A.M. when suddenly a emergency alarm went off.The speaker turned on with a message playing through.

"All available troops get into your mechs were under attack by the Germans!"

All the cadets who woke up were ushered out of their respective rooms, unfortunately some had to be left behind as they were gonna hold them down if they waste time trying to get them to wake up.

While they were being leaded out by Captain Cody suddenly a German mech landed in front of them and pointed it's gun at the group,but before it could fire it was stopped by Commander Rex mech who slammed itself into the German mech by using his shield.

Commander Rex and the German mech would do battle which would sent rubble flying all over the place killing a few of the cadets who couldn't get out of the way in time.

There wasn't enough time to save the cadets who were alive but trapped under the rubble so Captain Cody with a heavy heart continued leading them to their escape.

After a half an hour run to the escape helicopter they see the escape helicopter with the pilot standing outside waving his hand in the air to signal them to come to him.When the pilot saw them he ran back into the helicopter.

But the moment the helicopter started up it exploded killing the pilot and meaning they lost their only escape.

Captain Cody would take out his communicator and began asking for backup at the military base.Captain Cody after ending the call took out a pair of binoculars to assess the battle.

Captain Cody would say underneath his breath.

"Two more fleets of German mechs are coming this way,but how did they find this base?"

Captain Cody would put down his binoculars and take back out his communicator and called Commander Rex.

"Commander,there are two more German fleets coming your way."

Commander Rex would respond.

"It's okay,I just need my rifle and I could probably shoot them down before they make land fall"

Commander Rex was partially right he was able to shoot down half of 1 fleet but had to quickly run for cover as they began shooting at him.

Commander Rex was able to take down 2 to 3 more but ran out of ammo in his rifle.He would throw the rifle at another and took out his sword out of his shield.

Commander Rex would run at the German mechs and was able to take down a few of them before they shot off his own mech sword carrying arm.Commander Rex looked like he was about to be killed but then Commander Ford shot them all in the head forcing the German troops to make a temporary retreat.

Commander Ford had his mech lift up it's rail gun for it to cool down.Commander Ford went to Commander Rex.

"What is happening Rex!"

Rex responded.

"I have no clue Ford the Germans suddenly sent a assault group at the base."

Ford quickly said a order.

"We need to leave behind the base if we don't were most likely gonna be overrun with German troops."

Rex would have his mech with its only arm salute.

"Yes sir,Ford."

Rex would radio in his group.

"All fall back we need to make a emergency evacuation."

Ford would do the same for his own group and notify this to Captain Cody.

Captain Cody radio his group to quickly retreat and call for a new evacuation vehicle.

All the alive troops quickly arrived at the evacuation point.Now all they have to do is hold this area and survive the Germanic horde.

Commander Ford began making orders to every single troop.

"All of you follow my orders,sniper corp prepare your snipers and turn on the night vision goggles,assault corp prepare to hold down the line if troops get to close and recon corp tell us if any German reinforcements are approaching you have the best radar detection out of all the corps!"

Captain Cody had one of his troops carry him his mech and when that troop finally arrived Captain Cody got in his mech.

Captain Cody would take his rifle and with his troops kneel down with the rifle in hand waiting for the German troops to push in.