Chapter Two

Ariana knew her attitude was giving her mom a tough time but she just couldn't find it in her head to care anymore. She had walked on eggshells all her life to keep the peace and now she was done trying.

They had always let her know they hated her. She didn't mind her mom getting furious at some instances, or hitting her for the littlest of things, her words had hurt more. She made sure to show how much she hated her by repeating to her like a mantra and telling her that she should have been the one to die, not her younger sister.

She sighed as she brushed her hair, gaping at the mirror. She had put off going to school for a whole week and would have continued to if her mom didn't bother her at every turn.

She took her backpack, ambling out of her room only to come face to face with her mom.

"Baby, are you sure you want to go to school. I know your grades might get affected but you can put it off for a few more weeks until you're all better. I already talked with your principal and he understands that you need a break"

She sighed as she adjusted her bag.

"I'll go to school. Better to face them all than to keep hiding in this repressing house. I can not bear your lies and hypocrisy each day that passes by. Whenever I'm here with you, I just feel like killing myself again.

She let out, stepped away from her until she got out of the house. She wouldn't acknowledge the fact that she had looked hurt. No one had cared about her being hurt anyways.

High school.

Ariana came out of the taxi. She let out a deep breath, letting her hair fall over her ears and cheeks. She had chosen grey clothing so that she wouldn't be noticed.

The gash in her chest got hollower every step she took. They gawked at her in shock muttering and giggling.

Her hands were shaking and she felt her heart pumping in her ears like a loud drum. It was suddenly hard to take in a decent breath. She clutched at her bag as she made her way through the hall. It got blurry with every step she took.

She almost made it to class when three guys, the school's best football team player formed a circle around her. She looked up slowly at them, noticing the smirk on their faces. One of them whistled.

It was Noah who spoke first.

" if it isn't the school famous porn star with the sexy tits. You are one piece of work girl..." He got out leering at her with a sick smile.

"We've watched you over and over again and it never gets old so we thought we should invite you to a little party we're having tomorrow. Wanna come? He swayed closer to her. " I guarantee you a very good time. What do you say" he asks winking at her?

"Am not interested. Get out of my way" she choked out. She didn't know how she found her voice but she felt on the edge of a breakdown if they didn't let through.

Some students stood at a safe distance as they watched the drama unfold. The school gossip stood around to make sure they get all their information correct.

"She says she's not interested guys. Zach must be the only one she'll open those pretty thighs for. Don't worry hot stuff, we'll be very gentle".

She made to move and the other guy -Craig- yanked her by her hair. She reacted by turning and whacking him in the face. She was smashed into the wall so suddenly she lost her breath, letting out a painful mph!. He grabbed at her shoulders, his face was dangerously close to her. His horrendous breath hit her with a retching force.

" you little slut. Bitch. So you want it rough huh. Cool with me cause it's my kink bitch".

"Let her go!" He orders in a deep rumbling snarl that made chills trail on the arms of anyone who heard it.

Noah turned to look at him, fear creeping into his eyes. He let Ariana go and she fell to the floor clutching herself as she sobbed.

"We're just talking to her mate, nothing too heavy," he says in a shaky voice, his eyes cautious of Zayn's every move.

"I see your group near her again and you're done". He threatened darkly, as he moved closer.

Noah's jaw clenched, his hands fisting by his sides.

" whatever mate. She's not worth my time anyway. Let's go" he says and his friends shrugged as they followed after him.

The guy leaned towards her as the hallway finally emptied. Her quiet sobs carried through the deserted hallway like a haunted ghost.

His hands suddenly engulfed her and then he hurled her up suddenly into his arms shocking her but she was so exhausted that she didn't even bother to panic or ask questions. As soon as he carried her out of the hallway, the student all rushed out chattering and murmuring viciously.

They sat behind the high fence. Zayn stared at her quietly with an unreadable expression while she bawled her eyes out.

Ariana collected the tissue paper from him as she braced herself for any crude remark he had to make or if he was going to threaten her to give him sex.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think" she retorted, regretting It immediately. He was a guy who was known for his flaky temper. What if he suddenly got mad and decides to use his fist_which was very large from the looks of it. Their size was very much different. He was broader and taller than she was.

"You're weak!" He held her eyes as he said it.

"Yes, I am. And you know why because I am so young, yet I have to endure and carry burdens that are excessively hard for me to bear. I have to put up with humiliation that I don't deserve. Guys shoving me up against the wall, yelling at me degrading and foul names just because I am stupid and weak. I just want to die so this misery can end." She groaned as the pain seem to increase.

"No Ariana. You will not try to take your life again!" He snapped grabbing at her arm. "I will not be there to save you next time".

Her eyes snapped up to his and she was furious.

She stood up from where she sat her hands shaking badly as she pointed them in accusation towards him.

" you rescued me!?" She was almost screaming." I jumped off the fucking bridge, didn't that give you the idea that I wanted to die and not be saved. Who gave you the right to meddle in my life?" She asked yelling. He stood up abruptly, towering over her and making her blanch back in fear. He noticed her panic before easing his stance and expression. He dragged in the air into his lung, throwing his head back, running his hands through his hair as he tried to calm down.

"I saved you because I can. You don't get to decide to end your life just because of some bad things that happened to you. You're not the only one suffering and you didn't create your fucking life".

" oh please spare me the bullshit. You're not the one on the internet, fucking some guy you had thought loved you with his heart and soul. You're not the one who has been beaten, cursed at, and blamed for your sister's death, and you're not the one facing numerous gossip, cyber attacks, threat notes, or random guys shoving you up the wall. You're not the one Zayn, I'm the one my best friend betrayed, the one receiving all the hate. I'm pretty strong to have held on for this long. So don't preach to me about not giving up. Don't" she warned breathing hard and feeling light-headed. She collapsed against him, feeling a wave of vertigo hit her system. He caught her in time, his arms tightening around her. He sighed caressing her deep dark hair.

"Let's get you to the infirmary. You need to rest" he mumbled softly into her hair before scooping  her up in his arms again