Chapter Three

Ariana opened her eyes and knew she was in the infirmary. She sat up, feeling drained, and was going to climb off the bed before she noticed that Zayn was sitting beside her, gazing at her warily.

"You don't have to stick around me like glue ok. I don't need your help". She threw her leg off the edge of the bed.

" Really? I do not want to stick around Ariana but you keep talking like you'd end it all if no one keeps an eye out for you".

"I won't try anymore so just leave it alone" she snapped irritated at his calm expression. Maybe she should piss him off and have him smother her to death or smack her head against the wall she thought. He was known to be temperamental. How hard could it be to anger him...

"It won't work" he got out, making her eyes widen at how he could figure out what she had been contemplating... "Whatever you're thinking to do to make me pissed won't work".

Geez, was he also psychic now?

He leans towards her all of a sudden and she drew back in shock as his eyes held hers.

" you're right. You're pretty strong to have held on for so long so what changed. Did they succeed in finally breaking you down? Are you going to let them win while you rot in a shallow grave? Is that what you want?"  She couldn't keep up with seeing the raw intensity in his eyes so she looked down at her knotted hands that laid too pale on her dark clothing

"No, it's not what I want, but what can I do when everything hurts so much and everyone always has something vicious to say."

"I'll help you, Ariana. Just hold on and live for me. I will protect you" he says with so much sincerity that she couldn't stop herself from looking up and meeting his eyes once more. Why did he even care? He had always been in the dark shadows, not caring if anyone existed except they messed with him.

"Why?" She asked quietly because she needed a reason for his kindness.

"Because I know what you are going through. I've been there myself and someone helped get me out of my despairing, so I won't neglect you when you so clearly need it".

" what was it you went through," she asked before she could stop herself, and the way he suddenly tensed made her regret it. His eyes flashed quickly and she could see the emotions that passed through them-sadness, guilt, then anger. The anger won out in the end and she could see the tick in his clenched jaw.

"Am sorry... I didn't mean to... You don't have to tell me". She waved it off, shrugging.

" do you want revenge" he suddenly asks, catching her off-guard.

She thought over it. Hurting Zach would be a great way to get closure. But wouldn't she hurt in the process also?. She knew she would. She had loved him at a point in her life but now she didn't even want to see him or her friend for that matter.

She looked up back at him and saw that he was patiently waiting for her answer. She also noticed that some of the tension from earlier was gone.

"No. I just want to forget. I just want to breathe and not feel this dark misery that seems to want to follow me everywhere I go".

" let me help you then Ariana. Will you live for me?"

She looked up to his assuring eyes once more and then nodded tentatively. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lip drawing her attention before she was suddenly crushed in his warmth. He was smooth, hot, and yet solid making her aware that he was real. That he wasn't just a phantom she made up to cope with her problem.

She couldn't trust him tho, because of everything she had gone through but she couldn't help herself when his eyes were so sincere. He was good-looking with wavy black hair that was occasionally packed back. They were hidden under a hoodie most of the time.

His eyes were a dark hazel that was so guarded whenever she caught a glimpse at him unaware. He was huge and had an intimidating aura that made people not want to venture even close to his vicinity. Last year he had singlehandedly left twelve guys who attacked him for no reason at all unconscious. He was also rich with a capital R but not too showy about it. Girls drooled over him so Ariana couldn't understand the sudden interest he had in her not dying.

If he was really on her side then she could push through this, but if this was all a big plot to humiliate her further, she might not even need to jump off a bridge. The pain would kill her first.

His strong hands pat her back and she could breathe a little.

She'd take it a step at a time. Just a step.