The two women remained in the bedroom and I think it's comfortable in there because occasionally, I hear the melodic sound of Lani's soft laughter, followed by the woman's.
It made me feel better, at least she's happy and comfortable with someone.
Hours later, I decided to give them some fvcking privacy which I would have done much before but I didn't, because her life isn't out of danger yet.
Damned assassin hasn't been found.
Showered and dressed up, ready to leave. I withdrew the tracking device I've got. Knocked on the bedroom door.
She opened the door and smiled at me.
"I'm going over to Morris's place. Have to know what that assh0le has been upto." I confined.
She nodded understandably. "Okay....take care of yourself. Please, be careful okay?"
"Okay, doll. I'll be back in a bit." I kissed her lips because I can't just go without a taste of her to take with me.