Hannah’s heart just about stopped at Logan’s reaction to her whispered reply. One minute she was an active participant in this frantic exploration of each other, the next, he’d flung her over his shoulder like a sack of spuds. The breath whooshed out of her lungs, not that she would have managed to utter a protest anyway, because the slap to her ass robbed her of the ability to do anything but squeak.


The shoulder she was flung over moved as though the dratted man was laughing at her, and two more swats landed on her butt as Logan started to walk out of the bathroom.

"Hardly, little girl, but I can make them hurt if you’d like me to. You’ve had this coming, so take your punishment like a good little girl, and I may just reward you."

Two more quick swats followed, which left her butt on fire, and then—oh good grief, she was so going to combust—he slid his hand up her inner thigh and cupped her pussy. She barely suppressed a groan, and there was no way he would miss how embarrassingly wet his caveman treatment of her had made her.

"I’m not five." There, that almost sounded convincing, even as her breath hitched anew, when he slid what felt like one finger under the elastic of her underwear. "You can’t do that. I … oh God…"

With unerring precision that calloused digit had found her clit, and her internal muscles clenched in response to the circular motion he subjected that bundle of nerves to.

"I’m very aware of that, little dove, but you are a very naughty girl, are you not? So wet for me already."

Hannah bit her lip to stop herself from crying out and demanding he put his oh so talented fingers back to her sensitive flesh, when he withdrew them. A door opened and shut, and then she flew through the air onto the hugest and softest bed she ever had the fortune to be thrown onto. Then again, had she ever been manhandled like this? And perhaps most importantly, would she have let anyone else do this?

Logan moved her with such ease, as though she weighed no more than a feather. With such utter confidence, as though it was his God-given right to do so, and wasn’t that the biggest turn-on yet? Like the bad boys she liked to read about in her secret collection of romance novels—the ones no sane, liberated woman ought to want, yet couldn’t help but lust after—he seemed determined to take his pleasure.

Sure enough, before she’d even stopped bouncing he was on top of her. His considerable bulk pinned her to the mattress, further reiterating how much she was at this man’s mercy. When he wrapped her long hair around his fist and pulled her head sideways to make her look at him, the heated intensity in his eyes stoked her own internal flames of desire. She licked her lips, and time stood still when his gaze dropped to her mouth. The most sinful smile lit up his features, and then he rolled off her. Before she could mourn the loss of his body heat, he’d straddled her legs, and taking her arms pulled them up the bed until her fingertips touched the slats of the headboard. He curled her fingers around the structure, and growled his instructions.

"Leave them there, or I’ll have to tie them."

Oh, good lord. He wouldn’t, would he?

He dropped a kiss on her exposed shoulder and ran his stubble roughened jaw along her neck. Hannah couldn’t help her involuntary shudder in response, and she felt him smile in the butterfly kisses he delivered in between words.

"So beautifully responsive. Trust me, my sweet little Hannah?"

Now there was a multi-million-dollar question, if ever she heard one. The hugely turned on part of her wanted to scream, "Yes", but the sensible, wary part of her won out.

"I don’t know," she whispered.

"Good girl, you’d be fool to say yes."

Jeez, when he called her a good girl in that deep voice, laced with approval and barely concealed lust, she simply melted inside. What in the hell was that all about? Things like that only happened in books not in real life, surely? Yet she couldn’t dispel the very real need that blossomed inside of her to hear him call her that again.

"Let me rephrase that question. Do you trust me enough to know that I’ll only have your pleasure in mind?"

His voice dropped even lower as he said that, and she held her breath when he started to tug at the zipper, which held the top part of her dress together. Cool air greeted her overheated skin with each agonizingly slow pull. The clasp for the strap across her back was next, followed by her bra closure, exposing her back entirely to his gaze. Logan sucked in a harsh breath, and she could almost feel the weight and heat of his stare caressing her body like a physical touch. Then his large hands were on her skin, following the curve of her spine, applying just the right amount of pressure to relax her muscles. She jumped when he swatted her butt a few more times in quick succession, until her ass felt like it was on fire. Hannah tightened her grasp on the headboard, grateful for something to hold onto, because far from the humiliating experience this should be, something entirely different was happening to her.

"I expect an answer when I ask you something, little girl."

Logan slid her dress up until it was bunched around her hips, and pulled her knickers down.

"I’m sorry, I don’t know what you want me to say to that. I … oh … damn."

Hannah’s words came out in gasps, because he’d grasped large handfuls of her butt cheeks, and squeezed. The resulting zing of pain shot straight to her pussy, and she bit her lips to stop herself from moaning in delight.

More of her arousal coated her labia, permeating the air with the scent of her need, which should have been mortally embarrassing.

His harsh inhale and the gentle, yet insistent way he ran his fingers through her pussy lips and murmured his approval left no room for doubt, however.

"Never mind, my sweet Hannah, your body tells me all I need to know. Here, taste how wet you are for me."

A tug to her hair brought her head up, and before she could even grasp his intentions he’d pushed two of his fingers, slick with her arousal, into her mouth.

She should have been shocked at his actions. It should have felt strange to taste herself, but the opposite was true. It was the hottest thing yet, made doubly so, by the heat in his gaze. She wrapped her tongue around his digits, and sucked. His cock jerked against her hip, a hard ridge, which told its own story.

Surely, any minute now, he’d flip her over and bury that thick shaft inside of her. Her internal muscles clenched in anticipation of his taking her. Would he be gentle or fierce? Not that it would matter either way. She was so ready for him, he would slide right in and she might well come on the spot. The ache between her legs intensified at the thought of his penetration, and she squeezed her thighs together.

The slap to her butt hurt—really fucking hurt. She’d have bitten down on his fingers, had he not pulled them out of her mouth, so she glared at him instead.

"What the hell was that for?"

Another two, just as hard swats left her behind on fire, and took her breath away, because he straddled her legs again and ran his large hands all over her butt.

Oh, that felt way too good. A kiss between her shoulder blades and his soft laughter traveled over her skin, as he continued to kiss his way south, while massaging the fiery globes in his hands. Waves of heat, of desire, radiated out from her ass to every one of her erogenous zones. Logan abandoned her backside after delivering one more spank right where her butt met her thighs. Hannah screeched in surprise when he flipped her over, pushed her knees up to her chest, and then buried himself between her thighs.

"There’ll be no getting off without my say-so, little dove, that’s why." He growled the words into her sensitive flesh. The first lick of his tongue stopped any protests she might have had, because he didn’t stop there. With the same unerring precision and knowledge of her hotspots that he’d already demonstrated, Logan went to work. He suckl

ed, and licked, nipped, bit and swiped his way along and into her pussy with breathtaking finesse. Her hips jerked upwards without any conscious effort on her part, as she instinctively sought to increase the friction he created between her thighs, and she fisted her hands in his hair to anchor him to her, as her orgasm hovered just out of her reach. A little bit more, just…

"Please, don’t sto—"

Her plea tuned into a yelp when Logan bit down on the inside of her thigh. The zing of pain should have cooled her ardor, but the opposite was true. Her clit contracted, and she panted her need to come. So, damn close, if only. Lord knew what he was doing to her, but instead of pushing her over that delicious edge, Logan withdrew. He untangled her fingers from his hair, and yanked her arms back above her head, while he crawled up her body, pinning her back onto the mattress. Hannah couldn’t move, could barely breathe under his weight. With her legs either side of his hips, his large cock pressed against her mound. So close, yet nowhere near enough where she wanted him to be.

"Did I tell not tell you to leave your hands up here?" He growled the words, while flexing his hips, and the tip of his erection slid through her wet folds. They both groaned at the contact, and yet more of her arousal left her channel.

"So fucking wet. Tell me how much you want my cock, little Hannah." He flexed again, and Hannah screwed her eyes shut, pushed her feet into the bed, and lifted her hips. Wet as she was that move meant he slid right into her waiting body. She gasped as her muscles tightened around his shaft, struggling to accept him, truth to told, even as the first quivers of her impending release rippled through her.

"Fuck, don’t move. I have to … fuck." Logan’s hoarse words sounded ripped from him, as he pulled in a harsh breath.

Hannah forced herself to relax around him, and he slid in even deeper. His hands tightened around her wrists to such a degree she would no doubt have bruises come morning. Right now, here in this moment, with them joined as intimately as two people could be, however, she didn’t care. Nothing mattered but the fierce look in his dark eyes as he glared down at her. She should have been afraid, but the danger she sensed, just made this encounter more thrilling. Hannah never took risks, but with his cock jerking inside of her, growing even bigger when she clenched and released around him, and Logan’s sharp exhale, she didn’t care. She’d caused that look on his face, the loss of control, the clenched jaw, and the tremor which started in his arms and traveled down his body.

His six-pack quivered with his ragged breathing, and his buttocks clenched under her calf as she slid one leg up his.

"Jesus, woman. I haven’t. We need protection."

Those words alone should have been enough to make her stop this, but the gravelly cadence of those words, forced from his lips, as he threw his head back and pushed in even deeper, as though he couldn’t help himself urged her on.

"No need … clean … on pill … trust you…"

"Thank fuck for that."

Logan bent his head and kissed her, while he pulled out and rocked back inside of her. Hannah’s cry of pleasure was caught in his mouth as he pushed in and out of her with increasing speed that left her breathless. She lifted up to his thrusts, helpless to withstand the maelstrom of sensation he subjected her to. When he released her hands, grasped her hips and got to his knees, the changed angle of his thrusts sent her over the abyss into an orgasm so intense she screamed. Logan cursed and pumped faster, while he latched onto one her nipples and sucked. The added stimulation prolonged the trembles wracking her body, and when he added his thumb to her clit, Hannah climaxed once more.

Logan pushed her over that edge time and time again, while he pummeled into her like a madman. The wet sounds of their coupling joined their moans and grunts, the bed shook, and Hannah could only hang on for dear life as Logan played her body like the master he was. Not an inch of her skin was left untouched by his lips or hands, as he whispered filthy words into her sweat-slicked skin, which made the multitude of releases he wrung from her burn even hotter.

"So fucking good, come for me again, girl, that’s it."

Logan thrust deep, and stayed there, while he pushed one slick digit through her butthole. The forbidden nature of it caused the most intense release yet, and Hannah bucked and screamed, dimly aware of his pulling out of her. Hot splashes of his seed hit her belly and boobs, while she shook helplessly in aftershocks and the world faded away a little. When she could breathe without sounding like a steam train and she opened her eyes, it was to see Logan watching her.

"Welcome back, sweetheart."

The self-satisfied smirk which kicked up his full lips should have been annoying, but with her body still quivering in aftershocks, she had to give him that. Lord knew this man knew his way around a woman’s body.

"Did I go somewhere?" She grimaced at the breathy quality of her voice, and Logan laughed.

"Not really, but that was pretty fucking intense. You’re good?" There was an underlying tenseness to that question that made her heart beat faster, not least because he traced the outline of one erect nipple with his finger while he spoke.

"I’m more than good. That was…" She shook her head and swallowed the words, not really wanting him to get an even bigger ego than he already had. Not that he looked all that confident right now. A shadow crossed his features, made his jaw tighten, and he sat up abruptly and stalked away to the en-suite.

"I’ll be right back."