As odd as his behavior was, Hannah didn’t mind too much, not when it afforded her the perfect view of his excellent physique. There really wasn’t an ounce of fat on that man. He was all hard planes and cut muscles, which rippled as he walked, and just like she’d suspected he’d had several breath-taking tattoos. An angel’s wings spread across his back, and she followed the intricate detail down to the lean hips and the delectable butt, which clenched as he strode away. Myriad of smaller tattoos also covered his arms, and when he reappeared a short time later with a washcloth in one hand, she saw he had some more across his pecs, too. Naturally her gaze strayed down his front to his groin, and she swallowed a groan. She knew he was big, had the sore bits to prove it, but seeing how impressive his cock was even in its semi flaccid state made everything down south tingle anew.

His eyes flashed in barely disguised amusement when he caught her checking him out and then heated, as he approached the bed.

"You keep looking at me like that, I’ll want to fuck you again, and I don’t think you’re up for round two yet. I was hard on you. Here, let me."

The bed dipped, and Hannah gasped as he ran the warm cloths over her boobs, taking the evidence of this earlier action away with every swipe. Her nipples hardened and her breasts grew heavy under his ministrations.

"You have the most amazing curves, little dove, do you know that?" He murmured the words, while he ran the cloth lower, across the quivering skin of her belly, until he reached her mound. Hannah didn’t even try to hold in her groan when he wiped gently between her legs. His breaths got harsher, and his shaft thickened and lengthened, next to her thigh, the tip of it already glistening with his arousal.

Logan froze when she grasped his hardness and squeezed slightly.

"Fuck, don’t do that. Unless you’re willing to follow through."

His voice, all raspy and heavy, sent shockwaves through her, and she smiled up at him.

"What if I am?" she asked.

Logan’s eyes narrowed, and some of the previous tension he still held in his shoulders released. A sinful smile kicked up the corners of his mouth. He threw the washcloth on the floor, and putting both hands behind him leaned back to presumably give her better access to the goodies. And what goodies they were. Her mouth watered with the need to taste him, to give back some of the pleasure he’d wrung from her, and to see him lose control.

Hannah loved going down on a man. There was such power in that act. Never did she feel more in control than on her knees in fron

t of her lover with her lips wrapped around his shaft. Logan swore softly when she slid to her knees in front of him, and kissed the tip of his erection. His dark, spicy musk called her, and his cock jerked in her hand when she ran her tongue over the bulbous head and licked away the drop of pre-cum. Salty, yet not at all unpleasant, it made her eager to taste more of him. Logan’s powerful thighs tightened under her fingertips, and hollowing out her cheeks, she went down on him as far as she could before she gagged.

"Fuck yes." His growled curse was all the encouragement she needed to keep going. When she added her teeth to graze his shaft as she came up, Logan’s hands went in her hair and tugged. The slight pain made her more determined to see him fall apart. She worked the bottom of his peen with one hand, while she deep-throated him and massaged his heavy balls with the other, and swallowed the first tiny spurts of his cum.

That’s when he finally let go. Fists buried in her hair, he thrust his hips and took over.

"I’m gonna … fuck … so good …take this for … yes."

The pulse along his dick warned her, as much as the words he forced out, and Hannah slackened her jaw and took what he gave her.

Logan came with a deep throated roar, which made her pussy vibrate in answer as he emptied himself down her throat. She eagerly swallowed, pleased with herself, and when he at long last stopped jerking, and pulled her off his shaft, she grinned up at him.

"I do believe we’re even now," she said.

She should have known that statement was akin to a red flag waved at the bull, because Logan grunted his annoyance, and before she could even blink she was over his knee and his hand connected with her ass.

"You think so, do you? Have I not made it clear what happens when you sass me in the bedroom, my sweet little dove? Let me remind you then."

Every swat ramped her need up higher, especially when he alternated hard swats with soft caresses, and slid his fingers through her sopping wet pussy.

"Such a naughty girl. Come for me now, my sweet."

As revved up as she was Hannah didn’t need telling twice, not least because he pushed two fingers inside her channel and curled them in just the right way to drive her wild. Her internal muscles clamped down, and she flew head first into a climax so intense she saw stars as she gushed for him.

By the time the room came back into focus, she was in back in bed tucked into his side.

"Now, we’re even, minx." Logan kissed her, a gentle meeting of lips, which meant the world to her. His gentleness proved her undoing, and she allowed herself to drift off safely cocooned in his arms. It would be so easy to read more into this, but she was only his for the night. She had to remember that.

Chapter Four

Logan jerked awake with a frown. The soft weight of Hannah’s delicious curves warmed his side, and the even puffs of her breaths across his jaw told him she wasn’t the reason for his sudden alertness. His little dove was fast asleep, worn out no doubt, after their earlier sexcapades.

His cock jerked to life with a speed that left him rather lightheaded as all his blood pooled in his groin. So much for fucking her out his system. Having tasted her submission, made ten times sweeter by her usual fiery nature, he wanted to do it all over again. When was the last time he hadn’t woken up itching to get rid of the woman in his bed? Come to think of it, when was the last time he’d actually allowed himself to fall asleep with any of the women he’d bedded?

Logan’s frown deepened, and then he heard it. A child’s sniffling, muffled cries, followed by a tentative knock on the doors to his suite.

What the fuck?

"Want Papa … I scared … Mummy…"

Little Rhia’s heartfelt cries—a sure sign she’d had another one of her nightmares—made his chest tighten, and galvanized him into action. She oughtn’t be here at … fuck, four in the morning. What in the hell was Rosamunde thinking, bringing her here at this hour, when he was with…

Logan swallowed another curse, mindful of the still sleeping woman in his bed. He carefully extricated himself from her delectable grasp, hastily shoved his legs into the old joggers he used for his time at the gym, and stalked out of the room. Another, much louder knock made the wood buckle, and this time he did swear out loud.

He yanked the door open and came face to face with a disheveled, grumpy looking guy, who most definitely shouldn’t be anywhere near Rhia. This asshole reeked of cigarettes and the unmistakable odor of sex.

"Who the fuck are you?" Logan’s growled curse had no effect on the other guy, other than to make him smirk. Not that he was paying him much attention because Rhia leaped across the threshold and wrapped herself around his leg in a bear hug. Her little body shook in fear, and his joggers were instantly soaked through with her tears.

"I’m sorry, sir, she wouldn’t stop crying, and I did try and ring you, but you didn’t answer, so I had to bring her here. This is Jack. He drove me. Jack, that’s Logan Br—"

"Never mind the fucking introductions. What the hell are you thinking dragging her across town at this time of night?"

Rhia clung tighter, and Logan pulled a deep breath into his tight chest, when her sobs got louder. It wouldn’t do to lose his temper in front of the little girl. She’d seen more violence in her short life than any child should ever be subjected to, but damn it all to hell and back. He wanted to hurt someone, something, to make them pay for this mess. None of this was Rhia’s fault, however, and he forced his clenched fists to uncurl and patted her dark curls.

"There, it’s okay, munchkin. Everything will be fine."

Tearstained, big blue eyes, ringed by long dark eyelashes, so reminiscent of her mother stared up at him, made his guilty heart clench in pain. Grief, remorse, and utter terror as raw and immediate as it had been the night this girl’s world had been turned upside down by the power of a man’s fists.

He somehow managed to twist his lips into the semblance of a smile, and she stopped sniffling and popped her thumb in her mouth. She didn’t relinquish her koala bear impression on his leg, however.

Behind him a door opened, and Hannah’s soft gasp piled yet more guilt on his head.

"Well, hello there. Seems we interrupted something here, Rosa, babe."

Hearing this stranger address his little dove like that, and the insolent sneer as he appeared to look Hannah up and down made Logan’s good intentions fly out of the proverbial window.

"Hannah, go back inside. This doesn’t concern you." He flicked a glance over his shoulder and groaned. If this got out the papers would have a field day, because as adorable as Hannah looked wearing nothing but his shirt, she also looked like a thoroughly fucked woman. From the whisker rash on her neck, to the faint finger marks around her delicate wrists—fuck, I left bruises—to the disheveled hair, the kiss-swollen lips, and the blush that stained her pale skin, she practically screamed "had passionate sex".

"You." He looked back at the other man. "Don’t get to look at what’s mine." He fought the urge to plant his fist in this Jack’s insolent face, and addressed his incompetent nanny instead. "As for you." He ran his gaze over Rosamunde’s appearance. The itty bitty little skirt and low-cut blouse she was wearing were most definitely not suited for looking after Rhia. Neither had they been the clothes this woman had been wearing when he’d left her in charge of the little girl. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"You’re fired."