"Take this..." The drunkard said to me, his voice hoarse and scratch like gravel. Sounds like a voice that hasn't been used in a while.

I stared at the notes in his hand. I didn't stop to wonder why this drunkard with filthy clothes will help me, instead I snatched the dollar notes from his outstretched hand.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!" My relief so profound that tears filled my eyes.

He didn't answer. Instead, he shuffled past me, his staggering steps loud on the cool pavement. He snapped his head to the sky, swung the bear bottle to his lips and drank a mouthful as he continued walking.

Jaimie wiggled under my clothes, drawing my attention away from the kind drunkard. I tightened my arm around my baby, shaking my head with force repeatedly to shave off the dizziness I was feeling.

I turned and walked away, pulling my coat closer to my face to cover half of my face and hide my identity.

I bought baby bottle and formula from the nearest store, ignoring the quizzical eyes the clerks were giving me, I made my way out.

Hours later, I've fed my baby and I've eaten something too.

Since I can't afford to be in one place for a long time, I continued my journey.


I don't have the slightest idea where I am. Only a few dollars is remaining from the money an older woman gave me last night. I've lost track of how many busses I've entered and how many rides I've hitched.

I long for a nice bath. I long to breathe without feeling pains. My whole body feels like one big bruise.

Jaimie was sleeping in my arms as I walked without a destination. I only sleep wherever I find myself.

My legs arching really bad now, and trembling so well, I feared that my leg will give out. I'm on the road and I can't afford to pass out here because someone might take my child.

I have to keep walking. I have to.


Beer. I need another one.

I staggered my way through the long road, my eyes barely clear. Hell, I'm starting to think. I'm not supposed to be thinking at all. That's why I need more beer.

I froze with the whiskey bottle midway to his lips. Even in the poor light of the evening a girl at the other side of the road caught my dazed eyes. The familiar coat cannot be mistaken.

It's the girl with the baby. The same girl.

Even from the distance and my blurred vision, I saw her milk white face, her eyes huge splashes of darkness and fear. She was trembling real hard with her hand tightened on the bundle of her coat which I already know is her baby.

I'm a lot of miles away from Valleyland and I see her again. She is not my problem.

Is she homeless? Is she on the run? Who begs on the street at such age and with such small child?

Not my problem, I decided again. I have two priorities in life now.

One. Drink a beer and get drunk.

Two. Stay sane long enough to buy a new bottle that'll replace the finished one.

I stumbled my way pass the girl, swinging the beer and groaning as it burned down my throat. I just passed her when I heard a loud thud on the ground.

I turned to see the girl sprawled at the ground. Even in her fall, she still held the bundled baby protectively to her belly. She has passed out.

"Not my problem." I reminded myself as I turned to keep walking but somehow, I can't get my drunk body to move forward.

"This is such a bad idea." I tried to convince myself. I just took a step forward when two male voices behind me made me stop again.

"She's so beautiful." One growled.

"Passed out cold, the wee one is." The other one said, then he lowered his voice. "Let's get her to one of those abandoned buildings and...you know...."

I snorted disgustedly at their plans but I took anothet step forward, determined not to interfere. She's not my problem.

"Alright, let's go." The first man said behind me.

Shit. I whirled around to face them. They were already trying to carry her up from the ground.

"Leave her alone." I meant for the words to come out stern, but they slurred out.

One of the scoffed, "Stupid drunkard. Better be on your way." He scolded.

There was a time in my life when people like him can't stand where I'm standing. Or speak when I'm speaking....talk more of talking back at me this way.

Keep the past buried, man, I scolded myself. I really really don't want to fight this two because it'll sober me up. Don't wanna get sober.

"Can't you see she has a baby? Leave her alone." I bit out again.

"Don't mind the drunkard. Help me let's lift her." The other one said.

That was how I found myself fighting the both of them, leaving them all bloodied and they had to run away.

I know you're wondering how a drunk slob like me managed to beat them to stupor and send them running, but I'll spare you the details.

Trust me, you don't want to know about me. Even if you do...I'll never tell.


I feel warm. I'm in a warm bed.

It was the first thing I noticed as I woke up from my slumber. I heard the sound of my son's little giggles and a shooing male sound playing with the baby.

Male!? My husband!?

My eyes snapped open and I made a sharp move to get up but my head hurt suddenly. I grabbed it as the world spun around me.

"Lie down. You don't have to make sharp movements like that." A deep unfamiliar voice said to me.

My eyes caught at the owner of the voice and I recognised him immediately. It's the drunkard that helped me three nights ago.

Only, he doesn't look so drunk anymore.

"Where am I?" My voice came out scared and scratchy.


I would have laughed bitterly if my face doesn't feel so heavy. I can never be safe anywhere.

"What happened?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"You fainted."

I looked down at my leg. The cut on my toe has been bandaged. I looked around the unfamiliar environment. It was a cozy and nice looking. A small but beautiful apartment.

Fear gripped me at the way he had my baby. Will he take Jaimie away from me? Has he kidnapped us?

"Do you want to hold him?" He asked them, his eyes looking at me carefully.

I nodded vigorously, stretching out my hurting arms. He walked closer and placed the baby at my arms. My baby looked so happy, smiling up at me with his knuckles on his mouth.

"He has fed and changed clothes." The drunkard spoke, drawing my attention. "I stacked a lot of baby formula and bottles there at the rack..." He gestured at a small rack in a corner filled with a lot of nylons. "That will keep him fed for a very long time."

"Uhm..." I started but he cut me off.

"There's change of clothes for you in the wardrobe. You wear this big coat and I dont really know your size but I bought some things I thought may be your size. Bought other necessities too. Toothpaste, toothbrush, a slippers, and others you'll need for a week until you can get a job."

I stared at him blankly. He might as well be speaking Chinese because he wasn't making sense to me.

This question plagued me...

Who is this flithy-looking beard-faced drunkard?