I glanced at the drunkard before me suspiciously, checking for any sudden movements, my mother always used to say stranger-danger and for once I agreed with her. I clinged to my baby, throwing glances at him.

"I don't understand what you're saying." I said to him at last.

He took a deep breath and cocked his head to one side. "What I mean is that you should stay here. No one will disturb you here, if you're running from the law, just lay low here. I've bought the basics for you and I dropped a little money in that cabinet,It will sustain you until you're able to work."

Silence descended. Even Jaimie was quiet.

"I-I don't understand. W-Why...?" I was tongue tied, I can't get a word out.

Finally, I was able to say. "I don't know how to pay you back for all this..." My voice quivered.

He arched his brow. "I have requested for no payment, lady."

That is something I can't believe. If there's something I've learnt in life, it is that nothing is for free. Ever.

The drunkard is probably being a gentleman but I know what he wants. What all men wants.

Tears stung my eyes. But it doesn't matter. He just ensured my baby's comfort by buying us things, what more can I ask for?

I stared at Jaimie, watching his eyes flutter. "Please, my baby is going to be asleep in a few minutes. Let me put him to sleep before we..."

The drunkard had the good grace to look confused. At least he isn't being an asshole about what he wants. It is more than I can ask for.

"Who are you?" I asked him, curious about this homeless filthy drunkard that suddenly provided a home and some money for me and my baby.

"You must be hungry, I'll go out soon to get food for you too. You can't take care of a baby in an empty stomach." He said instead, like I didn't talk.

I watched him leave, biting my lips against the headache pounding my head. I really don't feel so well.

But I've got to be awake and pay him for his kindness with my body.

For the first time in a long time I feel hope. I have a roof over my head and some food for my baby until my body heals. I don't have to worry about where to go next, who to run from. I don't have to worry about money.


He was so furious, he could barely keep his head straight. He had plans for her the minute he gets his hands on her and so help him she wouldn't end up in a coma or maybe in a coffin.

So, Jasamina had the guts to run away from him!? Out of all the time she had done this, this particular escape mades him so made because it's been days and Jasamina has not been found.

Did she go home?

He quickly threw the thoughts away. There is no way she will be at home without her parents telling me about it. After all, I'm the best thing that happened to their family...like her mother always says.

But, just in case....

He pulled out his cellphone. He will call her parents to report her just in case she decided to visit there. He knew he had their support just as long as he provided them with cash.

They worshipped him

He paced the tiles furiously. "That bitch".He cursed.

When I get her back,I'll make sure I beat her up so badly she won't ever think of escaping ever!, he thought enraged.

The last time she escaped, he had beaten her up, then, he'd shared her with two of his chief of staffs. They had enjoyed her young body and it turned him on a lot, watching the scene.

This time around, he'll make sure all the men in the house find sexual satisfaction from her body, and he'll watch. Just the thought of it has his dick hardening.

No one dares run away from him not even her, she is my property and I'll do whatever I please with her!

He dialed her parent's number unable to wait any longer, I'msure sooner or later she'll try to contact them and when she does they'll drag her back to me and she'll be done for.

"Hello My boy" Doreen Rutherford, Jasamina's mum says as she answers the phone.

"Your boy!? Have I done anything wrong?" I made sure to sound concerned. "All I did was to love my princess, you can see our child was the product of that love. I gave her everything and how does she repay me? She ran! She escaped! She makes a fool out of me!". He yells as he tries to hide the fact that he only wants her back to hurt her.

"WHAT!" Mr Rutherford yelled. Seems like phone is on speaker.

"I'm so so sorry my boy, we'll find her and make sure she gets back to you. I have no idea what got into that silly head of hers after everything you've done for us. Do not worry, Jasamine would be back to you very soon" Her father assured.

He grinned to the phone. He just can't help himself.

"Thank you. If there's any news at all no matter how small, I'll be the first to hear it. I don't know why that flighty girl will away with my son."

"I'm sorry for the stress my daughter is putting you through. On behalf of her,I'm so sorry" Her dad says as he sighs deeply.

"I'll go search for her now, I just hope to find her." He said before hanging up.

"Fools." He cursed immediately the call was cut.

"They have no idea what their daughter is going through. All they want to know is money. When they call, it's about money. Money, money and more money. That's way Jasamine would never escape from my clutches. She's mine whether she likes it or not."Ludale groaned as he takes out a cigarette, lighting it up.


"What in heaven's name is wrong with Jasmine." My wife, Doreen, laments as she folds her arm.

"Does she have any idea how many women would kill to be in her position!? She's married to a wealthy, kind, caring, loving man and yet she's still ungrateful!" Doreen hissed angrily, "I'll slap her so hard her brain would reset and she'll realize she's a wife and a mother, not a 17 year old teenage."

"You're right my dear, I just hope after all this Ludane doesn't get mad at us and deprives us of the allowances or takes away our house." I said to my wife, really worried.

Doreen's eyes narrowed. "If he does, Jasamine would beg him. I don't care if she goes down on her knees, if she has to be his slave, I don't care what she does but no matter what she must go back to him!" She yells at the top of her lungs.

I kept quiet and she continued.

"I mean if word gets out, what would our friends say? That we couldn't train our daughter properly? What's wrong with that girl after everything I've done for her, she repays me with this? I swear to God when we find Jasamine...." She swears as I pick up my phone.

I intervened then, taking the phone from her.

"Don't worry. I'm going to call my private investigator right now. He's the best and before the end of the week, Jasamine would be found and I promise you dear, she'll be back in her husband's house. Either willingly or by force." I said to her.

"Thank you so much dear. That childish girl doesn't know that marriage is for better PR for worse." Doreen says, sighing in relief as I dial his number.

The private investigator picks on the second ring.

"I have a job for you".I say simply the minute he picks up.


I should have known that she'll ask personal questions that are off limits. That's why it's always safer not to interfere. I really hate being sober.

I stared down at my clothes and wondered when the white shirt turned to gray? When was the last time I change clothes anyway?

Doesn't matter. I'll get her food, tell her a thing or two about where she'll get a job, then I'm leaving and going straight back to the bottle. I need to be drunk. I can't afford to think.

Thinking means remembering. And remembering means trouble.

Twenty minutes later, I carried the food nylon and opened the door to her place. The child was sleeping at one side of the bed, but the girl's eyes were closed, she was breathing heavily, sweating profusely.

From the looks of it, she is sick. Really sick.