I couldn't thank the woman enough for the great favour she's given me. If not for her, I would have been taken away by the police.

I stared at the piece of paper in my hand and quickly memorized the address written there. Just in case I loose the piece of paper at a point.

I just hope the address remains in my mind.

"I have to go now." I said to the woman..

She nodded her head but turned away from me to a table sitting at one end of the sitting room, she withdrew a few dollars and gave it to me.

"Oh...I can't possibly take..." I started to decline.

"Take it." She urged me. "It's for the baby. I give it to you from my heart. I pray your husband never finds you again."

Tears of gratitude filled my eyes. "Thanks a lot, ma'am."

I wasted no time in picking up my bag. I made sure my sleeping baby was safely on my back as I walked into the street.