Xazix Dantes was having a very good sleep this morning when his friend barged in on him.

He had been determined to ignore Petra and get his much needed sleep, but his friend had refused to be ignored.

"You just have to get you, Xax." Petra had groaned, throwing a pillow at his face.

Afterwards, when Xazix found out that it's completely unavoidable, he had woke up rather begrudgingly.

"You'd better have a goof reason for this, Petra." He groaned as he rose.

"Or you'll have my head, I already know. Don't worry, I've got a pretty good reason."

In the sitting room, Xazix flung himself on the couch. He swirled his wine in his cup, taking a long look at his friend Petra who had just told him something ridiculous.

"Repeat what you just said." Xazix stated, staring pointedly at his wineglass.

"The congressman, Ludale McCully, is in need of a professional bounty hunter to help him search for his runaway wife and his baby."