The loud cry of a baby woke me up in the middle of the night. As I got up from the bed, the cries kept coming out of his mouth from the other room.

That Jasamina hasn't woken now must be because of the drugs she took. The girl sleeps so lightly that Jaimie's doesn't cry more than twice before she's attending to him.

In only a pajamas pants, I walked out of my room to Jasamina's. As expected, she was sleeping, dead to the world. The baby laid beside her, crying and visibly restless.

I walked closer and carried Jaimie out of the bed. "Shuu shuuu..." I made the whispered sounds to him.

Gradually, he went quiet. Just staring at me with midnight blue eyes. "That's more like it..." I praised, lowering myself on the bed.

I laid him down beside me and removed his soiled diapers. Wrapping it tight, I kept it aside and changed his diapers.