Three days later


As we stood at the door of the congressman's office, I look at xazix once more and he nods before kicking the door open and walking in while I trail behind him with a hard face. I'm more than ready to meet the bastard who dared did all those disgusting things to jasamina.

Bastard who turned an innocent woman like Jasamina into his own personal beating bag and sick-twisted fun-house.

As I stared at the man, my lips thinned in distaste. With the tales of his evil deeds high in the air, I expected to see....more.

He was short, sturdy and potbellied. Money kept him from looking as old as he's supposed to look.

Xazix blocks my view and I move beside him as I come in face to face with the son of a bitch. Each look at him made me remember everything jasamina has said he did to her and every single moment, my blood boils.