I dried my sweaty hands on my dress, completely forgetting that I'm putting on a white dress. Then, I sighed when I remembered and quickly surveyed my dress. Thankfully, my hand was very clean and the sweat didn't leave dirt.

Calm down, Jasamina. You're not standing in front of the valley of the shadow of death, you're standing in front of Tann's house. Tann. You dont have to be so worked up, he's Tann.

The words didn't help at all or I would have stopped feeling this way two days ago.

As I stared at the door, I had this strange urge to turn and bolt but so many things stopped me. I gathered my courage and knocked.

The door immediately swung open and a plump woman in her late sixties or so was standing in front of the door with a warm smile on her face.

"You must be Miss Jasamina!" The woman asked enthusiastically, her western accent sticking out through her words.

"Good evening, Ma'am." I replied, stuck at the door.