The memories of that night is still so clear in my mind, it's like yesterday. My cheeks heated as I stared at the moonless sky, the memories of us together flooding my head.

Every night I laid down to sleep, the memories sleep with me. Giving me hope and at the same time heating up my body as I burned for him. Just one man. Just Tanner.

"What are you thinking about so much that leaves that expression on your face?" Tanner's voice was low in my ears and I started slightly.

I was so deep into our memories together, I didn't know when he walked closer to come and stand behind me. His breath was hot to my ears, fanning my cheeks, and my breath hitched slightly.

"Tell me, Jasamina...." He groaned softly.

How can I ever lie to him? I just can't. "It's us. T-This night....n-nights like this....always reminds me of us.... together that night." I whispered.