The next morning, I stirred awake and yawned lightly. A smile curved on my lips as I stared closely at the sleeping Tanner..... My Tanner.

The events of last night filled my head, making me dizzy with excitement and my cheeks flushed at the memory.

The things Tann and I did....the things he taught me....!

I focused on his sleeping face. His hands were wrapped tightly around me while our faces were just itches apart. His hair was disheveled but it looked good on him.

He looked so handsome, even in his sleep. I drew closer to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. He didn't stirr, it made me happy.

In the next few minutes, I just watched him sleep. Watching the rise and fall of his chest too.

Finally, I gently removed his hands around me, before slipping out of the bed. I took one glance at him before I tiptoed to the bathroom to make sure I didn't disturb his sleep.