
Finally, I get to see him after five years. God knows how much I have missed him, five years without him was surely a heck of heart pain but because Jasmine and Jaimie I didn't feel the impact too much.

I missed him so much, my heart missed him even though I know the age difference is a lot but I can't stop my feelings.

He held my hand as we walked into the house. "It has been five years, I never thought I would see you" I smiled happily.

"Yea, you sure have grown a lot" He said and touch my cheeks playfully.

"You have also changed." I uttered and he smiled. I can't seem to stop looking at him.

"But not as you, you look all grown, kiddo." He said as he took a sit on our small couch. His size dominated the couch.

I paused in the middle of pouring a drink. Kiddo?

I closed my eyes against the wave of hurt. He still sees me as a child. He says I'm grown but he doesn't see me that way.