I found myself shaking my head leisurely. "I'm not strong, Tann, I've never been strong. Just ask Dale...he calls me a coward all the time. Ask my mother....she calls me a dunce." the memory came with a sad smile, "Ask my father too...he calls me useless."

His hand on my chin, he forced me to stare up at him, "Let go of all those, my love. Those people didn't know you. They called you a reflection of themselves. You, Jasamina, is the strongest woman I've ever known."

He stopped me again when I almost shook my head with a shake of his own head.

"I don't know another woman who took her three months old baby, wrapped him up in a shawl, hid him close to her heart and took off to the roads without any means at all. No food, no money, no diapers. Just a strong need to survive with her baby." He whispered tentatively, his eyes like twin orb staring down at me.